
Friday, November 28, 2014

Poetry Friday -- First Snow


Not satisfied to trace
bare branches
remaining leaves 
into lace,
this first snow
tries to fill the place
my glasses
my face.

©Mary Lee Hahn, 2014

Our first snow was a playful, fluffy couple of inches, not a destructive, multi-foot dump like Buffalo got, or a plan-changing Nor'easter like the one this week. One more thing to add to the list of my "Thankful For"s.

Today we're also thankful for Carol, at Carol's Corner, who is hosting the Poetry Friday roundup!


  1. I like these kind of playful, friendly snowstorms! Nothing like our first storm, which wasn't all that much snow, but brought sub zero temps that lasted a full week!

  2. Mary Lee, I see you also wrote about a first snow. I think this week will be the week for the advent of many of these types of poems. Love the thought of remaining leaves into lace-lovely. I do not see any leaves frosted by snow in Syracuse though and not sure what Long Island has this weekend. Might you be interested in me using your poem and photo for the Finding Fall Gallery to round off the season of fall? I am thankful that we met face-to-face and that we had moments to share thoughts.

    1. I captured this poem for the Finding Fall Gallery. I am so glad that I actually found where it was located. Thank you.

  3. Lovely photo and poem pairing, Mary Lee! I suggest you stick out your tongue. That way those impish little flakes will find their way to your mouth instead of your eyes. :)

  4. Yay for playful, fluffy snow! That "trace" in the first line really caught my ear -- love it as a verb and how you use those lovely rhyming words. Dare I say the poem is playful and fluffy?? xo

  5. Such fun! The snow here was heavy with water. Not much fun to shovel or be out in. Another thing about winter and glasses is the fogginess that blinds you when you enter a well-heated building!

  6. We have some playful snow here in Michigan too! Just enough to dust the trees and make everything look pretty.

  7. Love the trace and lace and the surprise of face! First snow full of playful fun.

  8. Your poem has me blinking imaginary snow off my eyelashes--enjoy the snow

  9. At least it didn't lace your face, Mary Lee. Great poem! =)

  10. What do you call this form, Mary Lee? Zeno plus? Nicely done. Hope you are having a good holiday weekend!

  11. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Very nice, Mary Lee. I've had these moments before but never expressed them with such poetic language! Love your poem :-)

  12. Love your poem and that fun, personal twist at the end! Stay warm and cozy...

  13. Ha ha! This reminds me of when I was a child and my mom threw a snowball at my dad and it fell right between his glasses and his face!


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