
Monday, December 01, 2014

Celebrate -- The Kidlitosphere!

Flickr Creative Commons Photo by Will Clayton

Even though our blog birthday was on January 1, we have celebrated it all year! On our 8th Birthday, we decided to celebrate 2014 by celebrating others who inspire us every day. Each month this year, we have celebrated a fellow blogger whose work has inspired us. We feel so lucky to be part of the blog world that we want to celebrate all that everyone gives us each day.

In January, we launched the year by celebrating Kevin Hodges.
In February, we celebrated Ruth Ayres.
In March, we celebrated The Nerdy Book Club.
In April, we celebrated Pernille Ripp.
In May, we celebrated Jen Robinson.
In June, we celebrated Mother Reader.
In July, we celebrated Mr. Schu.
In August, we celebrated Kate Messner.
In September, we celebrated Amy Ludwig VanDerwater.
In October, we celebrated Sylvia Vardell.
In November, we celebrated Barbara O'Connor.

We're going to end our year of celebrating bloggers who are children's literature fanatics, teachers, teachers-of-teachers, librarians, authors, and poets who inspire us the most by celebrating those who help to build and maintain the Kidlitosphere "community" itself.

Here's to all the bloggers behind the scenes who curate the webpage, Kidlitosphere Central, organize the yearly conference, KidLitCon, coordinate and judge and blog about the CYBILS (Children's and Young Adult Blogger's Literary Awards), and run the Kidlitosphere Yahoo group

This is a huge group of volunteers who make the world of blogging a better place by making it feel more like a cozy neighborhood and less like an indifferent city.

To honor ALL of the bloggers who keep the wheels of the Kidlitosphere machinery running smoothly, we made a donation to the CYBILS.


  1. Here's to both of you, Mary Lee and Franki, without whom the Kidlitosphere would not be nearly the strong community that it is. Thank you for this series, and for striving to keep building community, even as the community has grown and become more diffuse.

  2. Happy, happy anniversary to you both and your amazing blog. It's one of the few (she says with a great degree of guilt) that I'm still reading regularly.

  3. Congratulations and many more! There is so much that is exciting about your blog--even after 8 years. Talent and creativity abounds.

    I'd like to offer my thanks to the CYBILS folks who are allowing me to come back for a third time as a poetry round-two judge.

  4. Anonymous10:26 PM

    Happy anniversary! :)

  5. This has been a great year of monthly celebrations with both of you! So many deserving of your notice. Thanks for your generosity and thanks for sharing your reading these past 8 years!


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