Thursday, November 30, 2017

Poetry Friday -- The Roundup is Here!

Flickr Creative Commons Photo

boiling water
tea leaves understand

©Mary Lee Hahn, 2017

Welcome to the Poetry Friday Roundup! Have a cup of tea and relax. Leave the madness of the world behind for a few minutes while you peruse the offerings in the roundup. My poem today is a pre December-Haiku-a-Day #haikuforhealing from this past week.

A note about next week's roundup. Lisa at Steps and Staircases will be hosting the roundup. Her blogging platform is Tumblr. She shares this information: 
"Hello poetry friends! The topic/prompt I want to suggest for the December 8 Poetry Friday Roundup is either/and: Respond to "When Life Gives You Lemons..." or write a poem using an object/making a drawing, as Amy Krouse Rosenthal did with a lemon drop. (picture below) If your poem can be expressed visually through a picture or drawing -- like Amy Krouse Rosenthal's "When Life Gives You Lemon Drops"-- I would love to post everyone's visuals. No matter what/how you choose to express yourself, I wanted to share Amy's Lemon Drop poem and her Instagram Project 1,2,3. This is only a suggestion. I look forward to reading all of your submissions!"

When participants go to Lisa's Tumblr space, they should click the "SUBMIT" button at the top of the page to leave their link or their visual. Thanks for being flexible with a different kind of roundup next week.

Also, watch for the Call for Roundup Hosts post, which goes live tomorrow, 12/2. It's time to gather hosts for January - July 2018!

Happy December! Leave your links!
1. Brenda at Friendlyfairytales (Summer Leaves)  16. Diane Mayr (Chickens!)  31. Miss Rumphius (Poetry Sisters Write Lai)  
2. Ruth (Any Morning)  17. Kurious Kitty ("First Snow" by Ted Kooser)  32. Laura Shovan ("December Notes")  
3. Michelle Kogan  18. Jone (student haiku)  33. Becky Shillington-Dec Poetry & WRITING W/THE STARS  
4. Tabatha (Brian the Twitter Poet)  19. Whispers from the Ridge (Sounds of Thanksgiving)  34. Mrs. Dungan's Class  
5. Linda M. Review of Can I Touch Your Hair?  20. Michelle at TLD: Lighting a Fire for Change  35. Elaine M: Things to Do If You Are an Alarm Clock)  
6. Heidi (the art of losing)  21. Holly Thompson (Gyōza)  36. Little Willow  
7. Sally Murphy (Christmas is Coming)  22. Jan/ FLASHLIGHT NIGHT  37. JoAnn Early Macken (DMC Challenge)  
8. Linda @TeacherDance (haiku)  23. Liz Garton Scanlon -- a lai, with poetry sisters  38. NCTE Spotlight: Marilyn Nelson @ NoWaterRiver  
9. Matt @RR&R (#PoetryCubed winner!)  24. jama (Patricia Toht Chat and Giveaway)  39. Tanita  
10. Laura Purdie Salas (Passing By a Winter Cottage)  25. Tara @ A Teaching Life  40. Alex @ Randomly Reading  
11. Alan j Wright (Where My Poetry Hides)  26. The Poem Farm (Let Words Inspire)  41. Kelly Ramsdell  
12. Kay McGriff  27. Julie Larios (An Ode to Potatoes and Butter)  42. Joy Acey, My Dog  
13. Robyn Hood Black -Young America, Julia M. Dana  28. Sara Lewis Holmes (Lai: A Forked Tree)  43. Carol Varsalona-November Exits  
14. Irene - All Aboard the London Bus poems  29. Penny-Guests Tammi Sauer and Niece  44. Donna - MainelyWrite  
15. Jone (haiku)  30. Margaret Simon  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Charlotte Huck Award

The winner of the 2017 NCTE Charlotte Huck Award® is

by Dan Santat
Roaring Brook Press, 2017

The NCTE Charlotte Huck Award® for Outstanding Fiction for Children was established in 2014 to promote and recognize excellence in the writing of fiction for children. This award recognizes fiction that has the potential to transform children’s lives by inviting compassion, imagination, and wonder.

This picture book will resonate with all ages. On the back of the book, we are reminded that "Life begins when you get back up." Santat's epilogue of the rather unsatisfying nursery rhyme about an egg that falls down and gets patched up is all kinds of brilliant. My 5th graders gasped aloud at the ending. They were like, "Wait. WHAT?!?!" This book will change your thinking about Humpty Dumpty and it will remind everyone that we shouldn't let our setbacks keep us down.

I am currently serving on the NCTE Charlotte Huck Award Committee. In our deliberations at NCTE this year, narrowing our list of 45 books down to one winner, five honor books, and eight recommended books, we kept coming back to the award criteria as we deliberated over each book. "The potential to transform children's lives" was a phrase we used over and over again when we spoke about this book. Don't miss it. It's an amazing book.

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Poetry Friday

Unsplash photo by Autumn Mott

early morning walk
constant chatter of leaf-fall
first hard frost

©Mary Lee Hahn, 2017

I'm gearing up for another Haiku-a-Day in December. I'll be tweeting my haiku using last year's #haikuforhealing if you'd like to join in. 

Although #haikuforhealing was born as a reaction to last year's current events, this year's iteration, at least for me, will be an acknowledgement of the absolute necessity of a creative life and a reclaiming of the discipline found in daily writing. I'm hoping #haikuforhealing helps me focus on moments and slows me down to a more livable pace.

Carol at Carol's Corner has the Poetry Friday roundup this week.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Rock, Paper, Scissors

The Legend of Rock Paper Scissors
by Drew Daywalt
illustrated by Adam Rex
Balzer + Bray, 2017

First of all, this is the most fun read aloud ever. (Fun for both reader and audience.)

Second, in the aftermath of reading it aloud, this happened: Pearl, Shark, Bomb. (Pearl beats Shark by choking him when swallowed, Shark defuses Bomb under water, and Bomb blows up Pearl.)

And last, I give you this episode of The Big Bang Theory:

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Blog Break -- NCTE

Both of us will be just a tad busy this coming week at NCTE, so we won't be blogging. We hope to connect with many blog readers, Poetry Friday Peeps, and Twitter followers at NCTE!

Thursday, November 09, 2017

Poetry Friday -- If Truth Be Told

Unsplash photo by Charles Deluvio

I'm the type
who'd rather have dumplings
than blossoms

Issa, 1814

Unsplash photo by nabil boukala

I'm the type
who'd rather have breakfast
than cocktails

Mary Lee Hahn, 2017

I'm the type
who'd rather have sunflowers
than roses

Mary Lee Hahn, 2017

I'm the type
who'd rather have bikeways
than freeways

Mary Lee Hahn, 2017

I couldn't resist using Issa's haiku as a mentor text. It's so unlike any other Issa haiku that I've received in my email inbox via Daily Issa. 

What type are you? What can you learn about yourself through your "rather haves?"

And how perfect is it that Jama, author of DUMPLING SOUP, is our Poetry Friday hostess today? Head over to Jama's Alphabet Soup and check out the drool-worthy doughnuts and accompanying poem.

Tuesday, November 07, 2017

Slices of Life

SLICES OF LIFE, by Grant Snider

...for the rest of this visual poem, click here.

Wouldn't it be fun to give students the verbs Snider uses, have them create a visual poem, and then compare their creations to his?

Maybe we need to try it first...

Monday, November 06, 2017

You WILL Like These Two Books!

I (Don't) Like Snakes
by Nicola Davies
Illustrated by Luciano Lozano
Candlewick Press, 2015

The little girl doesn't like snakes, and her family tries valiantly to convince her otherwise.

Give Bees a Chance
by Bethany Barton
Viking Books for Young Readers, 2017

The narrator and his (?) friend Edgar like all the same things...except for bees. The narrator convinces Edgar (and readers) of the importance of bees.

Friday, November 03, 2017

Poetry Friday -- Maps and Compasses

The Thing About Maps
words by Seth Godinpoemizing by Mary Lee Hahn

Sometimes, when we're lost, 
we refuse a map, 
even when offered.

Because the map reminds us that we made a mistake. 
That we were wrong.

But without a map, 
we're not just wrong, 
we're also still lost.

A map doesn't automatically get you home, 
but it will probably make you less lost.

When dealing with the unknown, 
it's difficult to admit that there might not be a map. 
In those cases, 
a compass is essential, 
a way to remind yourself of your 
true north.

by Hugh MacLeod

I love it when the Universe chats with me.

We began our geography work in social studies recently. When this bit by Seth Godin showed up in my inbox, I knew I wanted to share it with my students. The fun thing (ONE of the fun things) about 5th graders is that they are beginning to be able to think abstractly and symbolically. Lots of them got the symbolism and message in The Thing About Maps. Then, a day later, the Gaping Void cartoon landed in my inbox. I have a couple of strong girls who are negotiating the tricky line between bossy and assertive. The cartoon was a good reminder of the qualities of a positive leader. We talked about our personal compasses, our very own "true north"s. 

Hopefully, you will find your way to TeacherDance, where Linda has the Poetry Friday roundup for today!

Wednesday, November 01, 2017

Great Dads

Two books with great dads who both understand and validate the fears of their children.

Lily's Cat Mask
by Julie Fortenberry
Viking Books for Young Readers, 2017

Dad and the Dinosaur
by Gennifer Choldenko
illustrated by Dan Santat
G.P. Putnam's Sons Books for Young Readers, 2017