The conference was a combination of people I have been inspired by, people I know via Twitter, etc. but have never met in person, and new people who I was happy to get to know. It was fun to see people whose work I have learned from but it was just as fun to meet new people and to find new people to follow via Twitter, blogs, etc. I took time to link to blogs and twitter pages of everyone I mention because each of these people has so much to share. I feel lucky to have learned from them in person and am excited about continuing the learning online.
I have always heard that EduCon is a different kind of conference. Now I understand why. This is one of those conferences that sparked a lot of thinking. I have put off writing this post because I can't really get my arms around what I learned. Instead, I think Educon marks the beginning of new thinking for me--thinking that I will build on and new connections that I will learn from.
The way that the conference was set up, we had time to meet and talk to many people at the conference. I was happy to have time to meet and think with people at the conference. Troy Hicks (@hickstro), Sarah Hicks (@yoopertechgeek) and Christina Cantrill (@seecantrill) added to my thinking in several sessions. All 3 are with the National Writing Project. I also had a chance to mee the Engchat girls, Cindy and Meenoo. (@CBethM and @mrami2). It was fun to meet these two in person and to have time to talk to and learn from them.
And I cannot possibly write about EduCon without writing about the @Educoncierge. The Educoncierge took care of all things EduCon from the Tweets before the conference, to printing boarding passes to running the lunchtime Encienda sessions. And, really, what a great name! You can learn more about the Educoncierge at The Clever Sheep--he has a great video interview with Jeff, the Educoncierge.
The EduConcierge at work. |
I decided to follow the format that @mbteach used in her EduCon reflection and to focus on the takeaways. I thought it would be a smart way for me to reflect on my learning.
Panel on Friday Evening and Reception
The event began with a panel of amazing people who shared their thoughts on Innovation. The opening event was held at the Franklin Institute. Panel members included Matt Berg (Millennium Villages Project), Aaron Gross (Farm Forward), Trung Le (Cannon Design), Neeru Paharia (Peer2Peer University and Creative Commons) and Standford Thompson (Tune Up Philly).
Some quotes that stuck with me from the panel included:
"If you do more with less, you can replicate it." Matt Berg
"We need science that reflects our values." Aaron Gross
"Novelists help us reimagine the world." Aaron Gross
"Let's stop calling them classrooms. The word has too huge connotations." Trung Le
"Human interaction and engagement is part of good design." Trung Le
"Every step we make, we learn something." Trung Le
"How do we get students to think innovatively? Give them purpose then they do it in their own way."Trung Le
"If we connect purpose to difficult problems, they rise to the challenge beyond what we think they are capable of." Trung Le
As you can see, I saved several quotes from Trung Le. His work is where my thinking has been lately and it was so wonderful to hear him in person. His book THE THIRD TEACHER has been a hugely powerful book for me and for many other teachers that I know. The other panelists were also amazing people doing important work and I am anxious to dig into their writing, sites, etc. to learn more about what they do.
Lessons for K-12 from the Best Preschools in the World
Gary Stager (@garystager) shared a great deal of his expertise about Reggio Emilio preschools. One of the favorite take-aways from that session was this quote--"Use computers in exactly the same way they use seashells or finger paints." He talked about creating incredibly deep, memory-making experiences. He also talked about project-based learning and how it was turning into anything these days and that was not what it should be. Loved when he said, "I guess if it's not multiple choice, it is project-based in some people's minds." One of things that he focused on was the role of the teacher in Reggio schools as researcher--to really uncover the thinking processes of children. The documentation in Reggio schools is about far more than accountability and communication. It is the story of the learning.
I was thrilled to finally have the opportunity to hear Gary Stager after reading his work online for so long. I am anxious to revisit the presentation and digital handout that he has posted to his site.
Towards an e-Book Quality Rating Tool for Early Elementary Literacy Instruction
Jeremy Brueck (@brueckj23)
I was thrilled to find out that Jeremy Brueck is from Ohio. His research is critical to the things I have been thinking about lately. I haven't found many people who are really looking at ebooks for young children and learned so much from this session. Jeremy Brueck is focused on not only rating ebooks but also to understanding what this means for young children and literacy. Although he stated early that he did not come at this from a literacy background at first, he has a strong sense of young children and their literacy development. We spent time in this session examining ebooks on several iPads and iPods that Jeremy brought. We discussed the things that made them worthwhile, etc. He shared several resources and much of the work he was doing with local Head Start programs there. His presentation and resources are on his blog. Resources included an e-book Quality Rating Tool, a List of Early Elementary ebooks iOS Apps and more. I hope to spend a great deal of time exploring these resources over the next several weeks.
The Future of Student Inquiry/Research
Joyce Valenza (@joycevalenza), Gwyneth Jones (@gwynethjones), Shannon Miller (@shannonmiller)
I was thrilled to hear these three librarians at Educon. Being fairly new to the teacher-librarian job, I have had a lot of learning to do. And these three librarians have taught me so much through their blogs, twitter feeds and constant sharing with the education community. To see the three of them together in one place was quite a treat. And they are pretty fun in person--it was a lively session with lots of chat and debate. I didn't get to write much down during this session because they had us up and moving around, really talking about what our thinking was about certain controversial issues around research in our schools. For example is Wikipedia and okay source for research? What do we think about citations as links vs. in traditional standard formats? Which skills, dispositions and tools do we think are necessary for research today? It was a great conversation and helped me to see that there are two sides to all of these issues. But it was clear that librarians are really thoughtful about the future of student research and how to best support students. Really, I can't say enough about the gracious and generous sharing that these three women do in the library community. I was thrilled to have a chance to hear them together live and in person. If you are interested in more about their presentation, you can find it posted at Joyce's SLJ blog.
One of my very favorite quotes from this session from Joyce Valenza: "Notebooks are no longer adequate for collecting research."
Laura Deisley on "Why Making Stuff Matters" |
During lunch on Saturday, we had the opportunity to attend Encienda Educon in which several speakers created 5 minute slide shows about a topic. I was able to hear sessions by Rod Corbett (Teaching With MindMaps), Laura Deisley (Why Making Stuff Matters), Jason Kern (Thanks Coach), Rodd Lucier (20 Things I've Learned on Twitter) and Karen Szymusiak (Where are the Children?)
Sunday Morning began with an amazing panel of educators including Sam Chaltain (@samchaltain), Kathleen Cushman, Karl Fisch (@karlfisch), Linda Nathan (@lindanathan), and Chad Womack. The panel's topic was, "Can Schools Support Student Innovation?" and was moderated by SLA's Zac Chase (@MrChase).
I can't even begin to share the passion of this panel. Karl Fisch was the only name I was really familiar with and I was thrilled to hear his insights. But I was also just as thrilled to discover new people to learn from. I know much of their work (without having connected it their names) but I am excited to pick up some of their books. I am hoping to read AMERICAN SCHOOLS: THE ART OF CREATING A DEMOCRATIC LEARNING COMMUNITY
Why Johnny Can't Read: A Conversation About What It Means to be Literate...Today
David Jakes (@djakes) and Laura Deisley (@deacs84)
I was especially interested in this session and it ended up to be a great conversation. I know from reflecting on my own reading, that reading is changing. I don't think the definition of what it means to be literate has changed. In my mind, literacy has always been about making sense of the world around you. In the past, much of that has been centered on paper/pencil text. But the definition of what it means to be literate has expanded a bit. Jakes and Deisley asked us several questions that I will be thinking about for a long time. These questions included:
Does being literate just focus on reading and writing?
Have we (in schools) institutionalized what it means to be literate?
When was the last time you had a conversation at your school about what it means to be literate?
Does the tool and how they are using it affect how they are literate?
How do you read differently than you did 3-5 years ago?
Does the teaching of reading need to change?
The slides from this session can be found at David Jakes' Slideshare site. If you are interested in this topic, the presentation has many resources that you'll want to check out.
The Ethical Obligation to Teach, Learn and Share Globally
Dean Shareski (@shareski) and Alec Couros (@courosa)
I was a little starstruck in this session. Both Dean Shareski and Alec Couros share so much on Twitter. I have learned so much from both of them that I was happy to have a chance to hear them in person. The two of them facilitated a great conversation about what it means to share, the power of sharing and the importance of telling the stories of learning. It was a session that reminded us the power of the network and the importance of sharing and reaching out to people who have contributed to your own learning. It was a great session to end the conference for me because it was really the theme for EduCon for me. Here, at one conference, were people who have shared generously and who continue to do so.
ReplyDeleteThanks a bazillionfor taking the time to summarize and share all of this thinking and also the links. I really wanted to go to Educon- this makes me feel a little like I did!
I ended up not being able to spend much time following EdCon live because my youngest got sick over the weekend. So I REALLY love you for doing this!!! I am particularly interested in the ebooks discussions & am following your links. Let's keep talking about all of this!
ReplyDeleteI've been waiting for your reflection of the EduCon conference. Thank you for taking the time to write it and to add so many links to your conversation. As you know, I attended EduCon from my couch. I was especially glad to see your summary of "Why Johnny Can't Read". I was unable to attend that session due to problems connecting to the live feed so it was good to catch some of the highlights.
A couple of times in your post I heard, "Telling the stories of learning." I think that is so important for us as educators and for our students. Can my students tell their own stories of learning? I'm thinking they can. I think this phrase will stick with me for awhile.
Looking forward to digging into some of your links.
Thanks so much,