Each number is introduced with a single object--such as "One Foot". The illustration of a single foot shows through a cut-out frame in the page. When the reader turns the page, he/she realizes that only part of the illustration has been visible and the one object turns into a group of objects--such as "Two Feet". The book works its way from 1-10 (and then a billion:-) starting back at one for each new object.
Readers are introduced to words like mouse and mice, ox and oxen, octopus and octopi and more.
This book can be enjoyed in so many ways. Without even thinking about the irregular plurals, this is a fun counting book for young children. The numbers, the groups, and the illustrations make it a great concept book. But the irregular plurals make it very unique. I think this one will be a hit for so many reasons:-)
My plan was not to buy too many books this summer, but spending a month in Denver Writing Project gave me a long list. You guys don't help either!
ReplyDeleteOh well, off to get more books.
added to pinterest! thx!