Friday, December 15, 2017

Poetry Friday -- My Heart Is So Full

Unsplash photo by Tim Marshall

My heart is so full. This Poetry Friday community is a wonder of the modern world. We've been at this (some of us) since 2006. That's more than 120 roundups, countless comments, and, recently, an upwelling of friendly challenges and exchanges.

Which brings me to the Winter Poem Swap, offered and organized by Tabatha (The Opposite of Indifference).

My heart is so full. There was much joy in digging into another's blog for inspiration, then creating a poem/gift combo that was just right for her.

And then I got my gift from Linda Mitchell (A Word Edgewise), and my heart ran over. Linda wrote not one, but FOUR poems all stemming from my November Poetry Friday post in which I "poemized" the words of Seth Godin. She took the theme of "maps" and ran with it, writing a response to that Seth Godin post, a found haiku from Ted Kooser's "Map of the World" (which was shared that same week by Little Willow), a ditty written at an AASL workshop, and, my favorite, an echo to Jane Yolen's "Always A Poem." Accompanying the poems was a hand-decorated map-themed clipboard that is going to school with me to remind me to keep the compass of my heart set to the True North of friendship, creativity, thoughtfulness, and joy that Linda's gift exemplifies.

An Always Poem

Again winter follows fall,
stick arms of trees wave
furiously, turning our clocks.

Again a freeze follows fall,
crystals bloom in weak light
leaving a mess of our map.

Again stillness follows fall,
we seek direction,
home at every compass point.

Again dark follows fall.
A chair, a fire, story warms
despite a season that strips bare.

Again follows
fall, a winter.

by Linda Mitchell, ©2017

Diane has this week's Poetry Friday roundup at Random Noodling.

May 18 is still available on the Jan-June 2018 Roundup Schedule. Thanks to all who have taken a slot!

I'm only halfway through commenting on last week's roundup, but I vow to complete that round before beginning this week's! While we're on the subject of not keeping up, I am on track with #haikuforhealing on Twitter, but I still need to fancy up a week's worth over at Poetrepository.

On the subject of commenting: I've tried to figure out what's causing your comments to disappear. The best I can tell is that for some reason, our blog continues to load long after you arrive at the page and even though everything appears to have loaded. If you stop the loading, I think that will prevent the comment drops. I think. Those of you who have re-commented multiple times, thanks for persevering.


  1. Oh, goodness! Literally! Love Linda's poem! Esp: "stick arms of trees wave
    furiously, turning our clocks". I love that image!

  2. wow!That sounds like a great experience! I love Linda's poem! "home at every compass point."

  3. This: True North of friendship, creativity, thoughtfulness, and joy. Yes yes yes! What a gift from Linda. So proud of you and your haiku, Mary Lee. You give so much to the world. xo

  4. Lovely! Great minds think alike. :) Happy holidays!

  5. I've failed the haiku-a-day challenge, but there's only so much one can cram into December! Enjoy the rest of the month, and your swap gifts. I'm looking forward to 2018 as I'm sure you are!

  6. Love Linda's poem and your inspiring words. The PF community is something worth celebrating at every turn. So glad I joined the fun when I first started blogging back in 2007.

  7. What a lovely gift. And a beautiful poem. I'm amazed that you've kept up a haiku a day this month. You should be proud as well as filled up.

  8. Cool clipboard!! "I do understand lost" -- me, too :-)

  9. Ooh, what a poetry treasure you got from Linda--I especially love that fourth stanza. Holding on to that warmth in a season that strips bare.

  10. Mary Lee, what a great gift! I love the compass clipboard and the thought that went into it. Very special.

  11. Linda's gifts are ones to make your heart full, Mary Lee. That poem is a wonder, one to read and keep near. I have loved PF these years, not sure when I started, but some time in 2011 when I started blogging. It's been both an inspiration and an education. Thanks for all you do to fill our hearts, too.

  12. Anonymous3:51 AM

    These poetry swaps are pure heart, Mary Lee. There's the joy of creating/giving - and then you're surprised by joy all over again, with the receiving. Loving the warmth of 'home at every compass point'.

  13. Anonymous6:05 AM

    Thank you for sharing your full heart, Mary Lee, and filling ours as you do!

  14. My compass brought me here in time to rejoice in
    Linda's artistry. Plus, to visit with the overflowing love shared in each comment. We PF folks are fortunate travelers. Appreciations for your sharing , MaryLee.
    Wishes to travel into a Linda chapbook some day . . .

  15. I can see why your heart is full with such a lovely gift. I agree that this community nourishes the soul and I am grateful for it.

  16. These are my favorite lines from Linda's "An Always Poem,"
    "Again dark follows fall.
    A chair, a fire, story warms
    despite a season that strips bare.

    Again follows
    fall, a winter."
    I like hearing the story in the poem, and ending with the writer. I also like how Linda wove so much on direction into the group of poems, a lovely gift poem swap all around. Enjoy all Mary Lee, and thank you for all that you give to all of us!

  17. That's a stunning poem, Mary Lee. I do love this community, as well - always soul nourishing.

  18. Anonymous11:42 PM

    I'm trying to be better with commenting. We are so fortunate to belong to this poetry community.
    The poems from Linda are incredible.

  19. تطبيقات اندرويد

  20. Mary Lee, time is indeed a huge issue for me this season so thanks for making me feel that I am not the only one. I just got hit with the vanishing comment. Let's see if this works. Happy Holidays!

  21. Mary Lee, thank you for your kindness in sharing. I get so much inspiration from you and all those that have shared in PF. I am the luckiest poet of all ;)

  22. Oh my, I've just come from Linda's blog and then read this--how inspiring and creative. Mary Lee, may your heart stay as full through this lovely season!

  23. This poem makes me think of you:
    Library-Gold by Brod Bagert

    Jason Whitaker - A name destined for the record books.
    He's the fastest twelve-year-old in the state
    And some say he's headed for Olympic gold.
    But last week he stood in my library
    and told me he hated to read.
    "Books are for girls," he said, half-serious,
    And headed for the track.

    So this morning, in the hallway,
    I witnessed a small miracle
    When Jason
    His head buried in a book
    Walked directly into a wall.

    I couldn't restrain a laugh,
    And hearing me
    He proffered the book by way of explanation.
    "It's the one you gave me last week," he stammered.

    "I see that," I answered,
    and unable to resist I added,
    "That one must be for boys."

    If someday Jason wins the gold
    I'll cheer him proud and tall,
    But I'll cherish the memory of a boy with a book
    Who walked into a wall.


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