This is a great book. In the story, Henry is a great character:
"Henry was a very organized sort of pig. He liked knowing
exactly where everything was in his tidy little sty."
But once looks out his window and notices what a mess the farm is, he decides to make a map so that everyone would know what belongs where:-)
Henry goes onto make his map, walking around the farm and adding the animals on the map. The animals are thrilled to be included on his map and the final hand-drawn map is a good one for kids who are just learning about maps.
I love lots about this book. I love Henry. He is a great character who makes me smile. I also love the illustrations as they bring the farm to life in a happy way. Mostly, I love the humor--you will have to read the book to find out the amusing part in the book. It is sweet humor (nothing like the wicked humor or I Want My Hat Back
For primary kids learning about maps, this is a fun read. I thought it would be great for my 3rd graders as an invitation to map writing in Writing Workshop. Creating a map to trigger stories from your life is one I learned from Ralph Fletcher and I love to share the map in the front of Marshfield Dreams. This will be another one to share in those minilessons.
This book is great fun and has lots of possibilities!