Monday, February 21, 2011


The Good Neighbor Cookbook: 125 Easy and Delicious Recipes to Surprise and Satisfy the New Moms, New Neighbors, Recuperating Friends, ... Cohorts and Block Party Pals in Your Life!Reviewing a cookbook before I have tried a recipe doesn't seem quite right. But I figure if I am honest about it here at the beginning, you can decide whether you want to check out this book or not.

As many of you know, I have been working hard on balance.  I started 2011 off with Things I Am Thinking About for This Year and many of those included balance. I have also added exercise back into my life and was happy to read RUN LIKE A MOTHER and to learn that fitting exercise is hard for everyone.    From the comments I've received on these posts, it seems many of us constantly struggle with balance. It is an ongoing goal. I am also trying to be nicer--a better person. So, I was interested in THE GOOD NEIGHBOR COOKBOOK when I heard about it a few weeks ago. The book is filled with 125 recipes to cook for others--for new mothers, new neighbors and friends who are ill. It also includes recipes for social events such as block parties and book clubs.

Like the authors in the book, I have a few staple meals and items that I take to others when needed. They are fine recipes but not always quite right and a little boring for me after a while. This book is divided into sections based on events. The premise is that you might bring different things to a new mom than you would a recuperating friend. A few page intro at the beginning of each section helps explain the thinking behind the choices. For example, a few "flavorful but not overpowering" meals that are good for friends going through chemotherapy. Dishes that "travel well" for block parties, etc. These authors have really thought through things beyond just sharing recipes.

I don't often like cookbooks without photos.  I like to see what it is I am making--what it is supposed to look like.  But, this one doesn't have photos and I still like it. Here is why: the recipes seem simple enough and are explained well enough, that I don't think I need a picture. They are interesting recipes--not your same-old recipes, but they are simple, not too complicated.

I do go into phases like this. A few years ago, when I was in a balancing mood, I purchased a book at a Southern Living party called CHRISTMAS GIFTS FROM THE KITCHEN.  My friends (you know who you are...) laughed at me, at this vision I had for myself. But I must say, 2-3 of my favorite staple recipes have come from that book and they are always a hit. I feel like this new book might be the same for me. One I can go back to for years and find a recipe here and there to add to my usuals.

As of now, there are several recipes I'd like to try--of course I will try any recipe before I give it to a friend. Here are the first few I hope to try:

Creamy Tomato Baked Ravioli and Spinach
Brown Butter Blueberry Muffins
Barbecue Spiced Chicken with Southwestern Slaw
Crustless Spinach Quiche
Cold Sesame Noodle Salad
Peanut Crunch Cookies

The authors of this book also have a great blog that you'll want to check out. I read it for a few weeks before I decided that I must have this book. The blog is filled with recipes, stories and more. You can read more about the authors here too.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Poetry Friday -- Thinking Outside the Box

This afternoon
in my grade level meeting
I must be prepared to
"think outside the box."

Right now
I'm remembering
the painstaking effort it took
to get in the box
in the first place.

Will there be applause
when we emerge?
Will the applause gratify us
the way the gasps of disbelief did
when we tucked our
last body

Mary Ann has the Poetry Friday roundup today at Great Kid Books.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Six Sheep Sip Thick Shakes: And Other Tricky Tongue Twisters (Exceptional Reading & Language Arts Titles for Primary Grades)I picked up a copy of SIX SHEEP SIP THICK SHAKES AND OTHER TRICKY TONGUE TWISTERS by Brian P. Cleary at Cover to Cover last week. It is filled with fun tongue twisters.  The matching illustrations add to the fun.  This would be a great book just for fun or a great book to have to invite students to play with words as part of word study.

The tongue twisters are silly, as tongue twisters are.  My favorite from this book is, "Fred frowned and fled frantically when he found the flounder in his bed."  Try saying that one 3 times!

One of my favorite parts about this book is the last page.  The author invites readers to write their own tongue twisters. I love that the author explains how tongue twisters work and then give kids specific sound combinations that make effective tongue twisters.  I love how much support this gives kids in trying to create tongue twisters on their own.  I think lots of kids will have fun with this one!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

THE BEST BIRTHDAY EVER by Charise Mercile Harper

The Best Birthday Ever! By Me (Lana Kittie) (with help from Charise Harper)I LOVE LOVE LOVE this new book, THE BEST BIRTHDAY EVER by Charise Mericle Harper.  As you know, we are busy with a How-To Writing Unit this month so I have been on the lookout for good how-to books. Many of the books we used to study how-to writing included single pages of how-to writing.  So, when Beth at Cover to Cover showed me this book, I bought it right away.  It was great how-to writing in picture book form.

If you know this author, you know that her books have a sense of humor and a lot of wit.  This is the case with THE BEST BIRTHDAY EVER.  The character in the book tells the reader how to have a party. Each page focuses on one aspect of the party.  Instructions include information on the birthday invitation, the birthday outfit ("On your birthday, no one should be the boss of your fashion, except you!"), welcoming party guests and more.  The illustrations add to the fun with labels and descriptions.

At the end of the book, there is an additional page--"How To Make a Birthday Crown" with steps to make a great crown (options included.)

This is a great book. There are so many possibilities. I love it for many ages.  As I mentioned before, I picked it up because it was a fun how-to book. This book is a great model for how-to writing. It has everything you want to make how-to writing effective. But it would also make a good read aloud and a great book for independent reading.  So much creative thinking can come from spending time with this book. Love it!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Making Stuff

Like many of us, I am worried that students are no longer creating enough in schools. I think life is all about making stuff and it is one of the joys in life. And it is one of the most powerful ways to learn.

This year, we are hosting author Amy Krouse Rosenthal at the Dublin Literacy Conference. She is also our visiting author at Riverside Elementary.  We are so looking forward to her visit next week. The kids have fallen in love with her books and with her life's work.  We have spent lots of time with her books but we've also spent time with her videos.  Amy's work is the basis for our schoolwide Art Show and kids are making great things.

One of Amy's videos that inspired us was her video "17 Things I Made". All of the classes in our school have watched this video and have been invited to think about the things they make.

We invited our students and families to contribute to a school-wide wall called "THINGS WE MAKE" to celebrate all that we make.  One of the things I remember clearly from reading Shelley Harwayne's brilliant book, GOING PUBLIC years ago, was the way she used the walls of the Manhattan New School to start important conversations and to build relationships.  We decided that this video gave us the perfect opportunity to use the space in a similar way and to celebrate all the things we make.  We know that our students and families make wonderful things and that they are all so creative. So, our amazing art teacher created a wall in our school entrance and asked students to share the things they made.  Over the last few weeks, the wall has been filling up with "Things We Make". It is fun to see the things that everyone makes --from waffles to paper airplanes to music. But I think the true power is in the conversations that are beginning because of the wall. Our students are interested in what others make--in their talents and passions.  As the wall grows, the conversations grow.

Our "Things We Make" Celebration

I have always believed in the power of making stuff.  I think our wall is one step in letting our students know how much we, as a school community, value the things they make and the creative ways in which they think. But I think for it to be truly powerful, we need to make it more than that. It needs to be a part of the way our students learn every day.

 I was fortunate enough to listen to  Laura Deisley from the Lovett School speak at Educon on "Why Making Stuff Matters". She presented a Encienda, a 20 slide, 5 minute presentation on the topic.  She has graciously shared it on her blog with more of her thinking on the topic.  Below is the Laura Deisley's slideshare from Educon.

EduCon 2.3: Why Making Stuff Matters
View more presentations from lauradeisley.

I would also suggest that you read Laura's post on Masterful Learning to get a vision of what is possible when students are in an environment of questioning, problem solving and creating.

It seems like so many people are talking about the power of making  stuff these days. I am hoping that the conversations continue and that we continue to share the things our students make and the impact it has on their learning lives.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy CYBILS Day!

Valentine's Day is the day that the CYBILS (Children's and Young Adult Bloggers' Literary Awards)  are announced.  If you have not had a chance to look at the finalists, you can find them here at Wild Rose Reader.  I always love when the finalists come out. The lists are always amazing and I always find a few books in categories that I am not so good in.  I love finding the great books that I missed during the year. The finalists lists always keep me busy for much of January!

This year, I served as a judge on the Nonfiction Picture Book group.  It was a great experience as always and I was able to work with great people and really focus my reading on nonfiction picture books.

This year's winners have been announced on the CYBILS site and I imagine that there are many, many posts about them around the blogs.

Enjoy reading about all the great CYBILS winners!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Good-by and Keep Cold

Good-by and Keep Cold

by Robert Frost
(From Harper’s Magazine, July 1920)

THIS saying good-by on the edge of the dark
And cold to an orchard so young in the bark
Reminds me of all that can happen to harm
An orchard away at the end of the farm
All winter, cut off by a hill from the house.
I don’t want it girdled by rabbit and mouse,
I don’t want it dreamily nibbled for browse
By deer, and I don’t want it budded by grouse.
(If certain it wouldn’t be idle to call
I’d summon grouse, rabbit, and deer to the wall
And warn them away with a stick for a gun.)
I don’t want it stirred by the heat of the sun.
(We made it secure against being, I hope,
By setting it out on a northerly slope.)
No orchard’s the worse for the wintriest storm;
But one thing about it, it mustn’t get warm.
“How often already you’ve had to be told,
Keep cold, young orchard. Good-by and keep cold.
Dread fifty above more than fifty below.” 

I have to be gone for a season or so.
My business awhile is with different trees,
Less carefully nourished, less fruitful than these,
And such as is done to their wood with an ax—
Maples and birches and tamaracks.
I wish I could promise to lie in the night
And think of an orchard’s arboreal plight
When slowly (and nobody comes with a light)
Its heart sinks lower under the sod.
But something has to be left to God.

I am not an orchard. I am MORE THAN READY for fifty above. Bring it on, Spring, bring it on.

You can buy a $.99 mp3 file of Lesley Frost reading this poem. Lesley Frost was the second child of Robert and Elinor Frost.

The Poetry Friday Roundup is hosted this week by Carol at Rasco from RIF.

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

ICE by Arthur Geisert

Ice (Stories Without Words)
Ice (Stories Without Words)
by Arthur Geisert
Enchanted Lion Books, March 1, 2011
review copy provided by the publisher

It's hard to remember what it's like to be so hot that you would devise a plan to make a combination airship/sailboat to sail across the world to nab an iceberg and tow it back home, but that's just what Arthur Geisert's trademark pigs do. They bring it home, chop it in to big ice cubes and cool down.

At the end of the story, we leave the pigs, once again gathered around the table where they hatched the iceberg plan (but with the fan blowing a cool breeze over a block of ice) and we wonder...what kind of plan will they hatch next?

Did I mention? This is a wordless book, the second title in Enchanted Lion's Stories Without Words series. The publisher suggests that this book would make a good read aloud, and I do love to read (silently) aloud wordless picture books, but the pictures are so small and detailed on this one that it would probably work best as a "read in the lap" or a "small group of students reads it to each other as the teacher peeks over their shoulders to unobtrusively observe" kind of book.

Definitely one for my "Wordless Picture Books" tub, and I know just the ELL that I'll hand it to first thing in the morning!

Here's another review by Travis at 100 Scope Notes.

Monday, February 07, 2011


Run Like a Mother: How to Get Moving--and Not Lose Your Family, Job, or SanityI just finished the book RUN LIKE A MOTHER:  HOW TO GET MOVING AND NOT LOSE YOUR FAMILY by Sarah Bowen Shea and Dimity McDowell.  I read this book on my Kindle while on the exercise bike over the last few weeks. I had forgotten how I'd ever found this book but then remembered that Mandy at Enjoy and Embrace Learning had recommended it.  I am sure many of you are surprised that I read this book. Probably because it is obvious that I am not a runner. But I have actually read a lot of running books and self-help books are always a part of my January reading.  I read THE COURAGE TO START by John "The Penguin" Bingham a few years ago.  And I've read several issues of Runner's World.  Deep down, I must want to be a runner. My friends are amused that it is so like me to READ about running instead of actually becoming a runner.

I LOVED this book.  Yes, I would love to run. And yes, this book got me through the worst first weeks of exercise while pathetically out of shape. But I loved this book because it was about moms trying to balance their lives.  Moms trying to take care of themselves and their families. Moms who had a passion that is so much a part of their identity, that they can't not fit it into their lives. These moms just happen to be passionate about running.

I have had many years of being in and out of shape lately. I was an 80s aerobics girl and loved it--I loved the music, the outfits and the fun. In the last 10-12 years, I have gone in and out of shape-mostly out.  I did have a year or so of boot camp, that if you have followed my writing for long, you know about.    I did okay for a while and even learned a bit about struggling readers in the process.  But work or writing or  something got in the way.

What I realized when reading this book was that work is my passion--the teaching, the reading, the writing, all of it. And just as people ask the authors of RUN LIKE A MOTHER how they fit in marathon running, people often ask me how I fit in writing, consulting, etc.  I am never quite sure how I fit it all in but it is so much of my identity and so much of what I believe in, that not fitting it in has never really been an option.

BUT, I would like to be more balanced and this book has really helped me with that. Because I realized it isn't easy for anyone to fit in exercise. I realized that even for these marathon runners, it is work to keep going. I found that these two authors are passionate about their work AND about their running and even though it is somewhat connected, they don't jump out of bed every morning excited to run.  These are moms who are sometimes tired, who try to do it all, and who keep going.

And they are real moms. You can tell because they quote things like "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie". And they don't trust Hollywood stars who run in the same ways we don't trust Hollywood stars who write children's books.  And they like food.  One of my favorite lines in the book was, "As much as I love my husband and kids, what I really live for are carbohydrates." Really, how could you not love these girls.

So, this book has been monumental for me--the book I needed at exactly the right moment. I read it while on the exercise bike--starting an exercise routine in the worst shape I've ever been in. And this book got me through those 4 weeks. I only read it on the bike and their stories kept me going when it was not easy. Because I realized, it is never easy. For anyone.

Being a working mother is hard. Being a balanced working mother is harder. I don't know if I will ever run anywhere other than my treadmill, but I have a new sense of things after reading a book by these amazing runners, who are so committed to running. I learned so much from them--not only about running but about cycles of life, friendship, commitment, the reality of trying to do it all. And they tell their story with such humor that I couldn't help but laugh out loud several times.

The good news is that this book is quite the bargain right now. I have no idea why. I had mine on my Kindle but know I will want to have a hard copy so I ordered one. I also ordered a few extras- just in case a friend needs a boost. And I was thrilled to find out that these two women have a blog--RUN LIKE A MOTHER. I have visited it often in the last 5 weeks and it to has kept me going. They have a "FOLLOW THIS MOTHER" feature, which I love--you learn about so many moms working to fit exercise and fitness into their lives too.

So, I discovered this book accidentally and it got me through the hardest part of getting back in shape--those first 5 weeks. This week marks the beginning of the 6th week of consistent exercise. I feel better and am pretty sure that the hardest part is behind me. Those first few weeks are always the worst. I also know though, that the cycles of life make it so there are always times that exercise doesn't fit in so nicely. That there are times when it isn't so easy. And I feel more ready for that.

This is a great read, especially for moms who want to run. But even if you don't have any desire to run, this book is about more than that. It is about balancing and fitting in your passions --fitting them into an already wonderful and full life. These women are my new heroes:-)

Sunday, February 06, 2011

Happy Belated Chinese New Year!

Kindergarten Day USA and China / Kindergarten Day China and USA: A Flip-Me-Over Book (Global Fund for Children Books)
Kindergarten Day USA and China
(A Flip-Me-Over Book)
by Trish Marx and Ellen B. Senisi
A Global Fund for Children Book
Charlesbreidge, 2010
review copy provided by the publisher

Jesse T. Zoller Elementary School is in Schenectady, New York. Little Oak Children's House is in Beijing, China. Kindergarten classes from both of these schools share this book.

Read from one side and you are in kindergarten in the United States: learning to read, coloring, eating lunch, playing with friends at recess, celebrating a birthday, and thinking about China while you practice telling time and look at the globe.

Flip the book over and you are in kindergarten in China: learning to read, coloring, eating lunch, playing with friends at recess, celebrating a birthday, and thinking about the United States while you use your fingers to count and look at a map of the world.

This is a great book for exploring similarities and differences, for comparing and contrasting, for thinking and understanding. It would be fun to do a kindergarten photo essay from lots of different kindergarten rooms in the same school district to see how different things are even when we think they are going to be more the same. What if we compared kindergarten in the city to kindergarten in a rural school? More the same, or more different?

And on the subject of photo essays, wouldn't it be fun to have kids bring in pictures of their bedrooms to compare and contrast? (You know you loved it when we shared pictures of our classrooms...but of course I can't find links to any of those posts...)