Sunday, September 10, 2017

Setting Writing Goals

The first few weeks of writing workshop has gone well. We are keeping writers' notebooks and beginning to learn from other writers.  I feel like our workshop runs well when kids have as much choice as possible. As a community, when kids are doing different things in their notebooks, we learn from everyone and I find it easier to teach into that than a workshop with no choice. The challenge is always giving choice while also making sure kids are growing and learning the things they are supposed to learn in 5th grade.  So early in the year, there are a few things that I want my 5th graders to know.  I want them to see writing workshop as a time for them to learn new things/try new things/grow as a writer. I want them to see the things they learn in mini lessons as a kind of menu--as options to help them grow as writers. And I want them to have a voice in how they grow as writers--which things that we are learning are things that they need as writers?

Lots of the mini lesson work we've done is about what is possible in a writer's notebook. So we've read various pieces and learned from each. I didn't go in knowing what kids would notice from each piece--I just trusted that if I pulled a variety of pieces, kids would notice things that we could then build on. I wanted to give them lots of opportunities to think about what writers do and how they might use that in their own writing. So I chose lots of different pieces and after each one, we talked about what they noticed about the writing--what did the writers do that they liked?  I used many pieces from these books.  I imagine these beginning-of-the-year conversations will be anchors throughout the entire year.

So after a few mini lessons I started a board in the room to scaffold kids' learning a bit. The board had covers of the books we'd read and a reminder of the ideas we talked about in each--what we noticed the writer had done. As we added more mini lessons, the board grew. Then I added a few copies of student work--samples of things they'd tried using something from a mini lesson--and those went in the appropriate spots on the board.  The board continues to grow and it is a great way for kids to remember what we've learned, the books we learned from, and the idea that they may want to use these ideas to grow as writers.

This week we used the board to start conversations around goal setting. Our minilesson focused on really looking at the list of the things we'd learned (adding dialogue, stretching out a moment, similes to describe something, describing someone you know in a unique way, setting the scene with a strong paragraph, etc.).  We quickly went over the list and thought about what one thing we might focus on-one thing we wanted to try out in our writing over the next few days, one thing that might take us out of our comfort zone. Kids took a sticky note, added their name and a specific idea and then placed it where it belonged on the board--making public their goal for the next few days. This allowed me to have quick conversations with kids as I bopped around the room. It also allowed me to see across the class and to see where kids were focusing their work.  Most importantly, this gave kids a low-stress way to look at the list of mini lessons as a menu that will grow with the year. A way to think about the ways they can use what we learned to make their writing better while still having control over their own writing.

We'll continue to think in this way for a few weeks--thinking in short bursts of goals and practicing using the minilesson work that will most help our writing. Then we'll move on to goal setting within a unit of study and beyond. I am excited to see how this group of writers grows!

Saturday, September 09, 2017

Two Must-Have Picture Book Biographies

If you read this blog, you know I am a huge fan of picture book biographies. I am just going to leave these right here. They are two of my new favorites and I highly recommend them both. I like so much about each one--the writing, the illustrations, the story, the bigger message. Read them an enjoy!

Danza! by Duncan Tonatiuh

Friday, September 08, 2017

Poetry Friday -- Bike Ride Blessing, 2.0

Flickr Creative Commons Photo by stevep2008

ducks on the path
feet slap, slap, slap
I glide past

©Mary Lee Hahn, 2017

Two bike rides in a row inspire poetry. It's starting to feel like a pattern, like a thing. We'll see what happens this coming weekend!

Matt has this week's Poetry Friday Roundup at Radio, Rhythm & Rhyme.

Tuesday, September 05, 2017

Newish Books That Have Fun With Words

During the first week of the school year, I read the book Animal Soup asking my kids if they liked words. They seemed confused. "What do you mean? Do we like words?"  I explained that I loved playing with words and the fun that writers had with words. I liked when writers did clever things with words. A few nodded while others tilted their heads not quite sure what I was getting at.

Some of the work we'll do in word study this year revolves around figurative language and using various parts of speech. The way I learned about figurative language and parts of speech was not joyful.  We learned about it in an isolated way and learned to recognize and name it but we didn't see the fun or joy in the clever ways people used words. Don't get me wrong,  I LOVED diagramming sentences (it was actually one of my biggest talents in middle and high school) BUT I never actually transferred any of that to using the language or to finding joy in the words and phrases that made up the sentences.

So I've been thinking hard about how to best move my students from not really thinking about words to finding joy in them to paying attention to the use of words in writing. So many days I find myself looking at my shelves of books, pulling collections of books based on some conversations we've had in class. These last few days I've pulled the following newish books to add to our conversations around words.

Words by Christopher Niemann
This small chunky book is mostly visual and is a great celebration of words of all kinds. This is one kids spend a lot of time with and one that they go back to again and again.

Not only is this a fun book that explores fun fruit words but the character of Orange (who has no place in a rhyming story) is hilarious!

A Greyhound a Groundhog by Emily Jenkins
This book plays with just a few words to tell a story and is fun to read aloud.

Guess Who, Haiku by Deanna Caswell and Bob Shea
These are fun riddles written in Haiku. This one is fun to read and guess the answers to these riddles. After reading a few kids will want to try writing some of their own.

Yaks Yak: Animal Word Pairs by Linda Su Park
What a fun way to look at words that can be used as different parts of speech--lots of noun-verb combinations to create fun scenes.  

Blue Sky White Stars by Sarvinder Naberhaus and Kadir Nelson
The brilliance in the way the author uses words invites conversation. This book is powerful and gorgeous and gives readers so much to think about, even though there are so few words.

Although this one does not focus on word play, kids definitely notice the fun in the author's use of words in several places.

This House Once by Deborah Freedman
The partnered language in this book may invite readers to try describing things in new ways. The author says a great deal in short, beautiful phrases.

Saturday, September 02, 2017

Things I've Read Lately

In the first few weeks of school, I have much less time for my own reading than usual. I am sure that's true for many of us.  But I have read some very powerful things that I thought were worth sharing.  Hopefully you'll find something that makes you think about something in a new way:-)

Not This But That: No More Telling as Teaching-This is a great podcast with Cris Tovani connected her new book from Heinemann, No More Telling as Teaching.

NCTE Annual Convention Updates--Coming up sooner than we think!

Silence is Not Always Golden--Another great post by Lynsey Burkins on the newish Classroom Communities blog.

What Are Your Superpowers--From the same amazing blog, Andrea Smith shares some powerful thoughts on beginning of the year conversations

Learn Their Names. Learn Their Stories And one more amazing post from that same blog by Aliza Werner

7 Reflections to Quiet the Ghosts of Grading's Past by Sarah J. Donovan is an article to help you rethink grading at any level.

Proctor and Gamble's New Anti-Racism Ad is Roiling White America --I had not seen this ad until recently and I am glad I finally watched it and read the conversations around it.

My Favorite Reads of 2017 from Pernille Ripp is a great one to add books to your TBR stack (even though you don't have time to read all of these right now--it is a great list!)

Voices from the Middle Episode 22 with Donalyn Miller-Another great podcast from Voices in the Middle. There is always something new to learn from Donalyn Miller.

And School Begins by Kylene Beers gives us important things to think about as we start a new school year.

Which Childhood Experiences are "Appropriate"? and Says Who? by Christina Berchini on the NCTE blogs shares important thoughts on who decides what is appropriate for students to read.

Curriculum for White Americans to Educate  Themselves on Race and Racism--From Ferguson to Charleston--This one will take months to read through but there is so much here and much of it seems extremely important.

And this Ted Talk by Verna Myers, How to Overcome Our Biases: Walk Boldly to Them-- although it is not new, is new to me. A must-watch.

Happy Reading!

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Poetry Friday -- Bike Ride Blessings

Flickr Creative Commons Photo by Nick Step

Bike Ride Blessing

I want to stop,
gather my thoughts.

A deer and her fawn
ran across the path
so close
I swerved to miss them.

An ordinary day
suddenly goes soft.
All that was wrong
is lost.

Moments like this
can't be bought.

©Mary Lee Hahn, 2017

Here's hoping that a blessing crosses your path and makes you stop in your tracks to give thanks!

Kat has the Poetry Friday roundup at Kathryn Apel, way over in Australia where it's coming on spring time while we slip towards fall! Thanks for hosting, Kat!!

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Reading Without Walls

by Leah Henderson
Atheneum Books for Young Readers, 2017

Jennifer Bradbury
Atheneum/Caitlyn Dlouhy Books, 2017

This pair of books put me "in the shoes" of orphan boys in Senegal (One Shadow on the Wall) and India (Outside In).

Each of the boys must do whatever it takes to survive. In both books, bullies play a big part in making that survival difficult. The spirit of his father helps Mor (One Shadow on the Wall), while Ram (Outside In) is guided by the traditional stories of how the princes Rama (who marries Sita) and Lakshmana endure fourteen years of exile and defeat the evil Ravana (with the help of the monkey army).

Family is important in both books. Mor works to keep his together, while Ram finds one.

In both books, there is an outsider who helps the boys. In One Shadow on the Wall, Demba is mystical and thought by the villagers to be crazy. In Outside In, Nek creates art in secret.

It was quite surprising to read these back-to-back and find so many similarities. Makes me wonder how my next-reads will connect!