Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Off Topic--Voice Your Love of DOTS

Okay, so DOTS are my very favorite candy. Love them. Often get them for birthday presents. Buy them whenever I see them. They make me happy.

So, I was a little thrown when I read the post about Dots on Candyblog today. UGH! I love this blog and often agree with the candy reviews. The sentence that stuck with me was:

"Dots are one of those candies that I see a lot at stores, but I rarely see anyone buying them or eating them."

I can see why Cybele at Candyblog said this. When I think about it, I rarely eat DOTS in public. Not for any reason, other than, they aren't often available in places where you would eat them. They sell them in stores and you eat them at home or in the car or at work. They are a comfort food. A great candy when you need a little sugar and a little flavor. They are fun and happy.

I am not a fan of anything but the traditional flavor box but I LOVE the original flavors.

For me, these are like the last of the original movie candy. Maybe they bring back childhood memories. I'm not sure.

Candyblog has invited anyone who loves DOTS to testify and so far, 17 people have already commented expressing their love of DOTS! SOOOO, if you love DOTS, go over to CANDYBLOG and show your support.

Really, Candy Corn or Dots? DOTS win hands-down! Don't you agree? DOTS win over pretty much any candy in my book.

(This may be the only candy that I would stand up for with this kind of enthusiasm!--unless they bring back Marathon Bars from the 80s.)

New Blog To Check Out

Megan is a 5th grade teacher just down the pike a bit from us who reads, reads, reads. In fact, that's the name of her blog: Read, Read, Read.

Her blog debuted in the kidlitosphere in June, and already she's skipping across the stage in scene three of Act One of The Play's The Thing (July's Carnival of Children's Literature)!

I can't wait until school starts and we get a chance to peek into her classroom and see how all these books she's been reading are received by her students!

Monday, July 23, 2007

100 Cool Teachers in Children's Literature -- The One Year Anniversary

A year ago, Franki wrote this post:
Okay so I am totally loving the lists from Jen Robinson's Book Page blog--Cool Boys from Kid Lit and Cool Girls From Children's Literature. I loved reading over these lists and thinking about these great characters we love.

I soo loved the idea that I started thinking. Could we come up with 100 Cool Teachers from Children's Lit? What do you think? So many teachers in books are these stereotypic, mean, dumpy people who are worn out. So, let's start putting together a list of 100 Cool Teacher's in Children's Lit. I am going to start with Great Aunt Arizona from MY GREAT AUNT ARIZONA by Gloria Houston. I also think The Giver in THE GIVER is a cool teacher. I would also like to add Mrs. Granger from FRINDLE by Andrew Clements. She is cool in disguise. We're looking for thoughtful teachers who understand kids and learning and are active, intelligent people who love their work. Do you think we can find 100? We are taking suggestions from readers!
A year later, and our list has over 100 cool teachers! (The list has a permanent home in our sidebar, too.) Thanks for all your suggestions! Surely there are some cool teachers in the books you've read recently -- let's keep the list growing!

The Play's the Thing

The July Carnival of Children's Literature is up at Saints and Spinners. We've been cast in the unlikely roles of bartender and bartending friend!

Open Water Swimming

by Lynne Cox, author of SWIMMING TO ANTARCTICA

There will be no competitive open water swim for me this summer. Reading GRAYSON will have to do. And it will do just fine.

In this slim book, Cox tells the story of an early morning (before sunrise) training swim in the ocean off Seal Beach, California in March (55 degree water) of the year she was 17. She had already swum the English Channel twice, and the Catalina Channel once.

As the sun rose during this swim, Cox suddenly became aware of a huge presence swimming near her. She was afraid it was a shark, but it turned out to be an 18-foot baby grey whale. Because it was swimming with her, she could not swim to shore -- it would beach itself and die. So, in spite of the voices inside her head that doubted the choice, and following the voices inside her heart that felt a compassionate connection to the baby whale, Cox stayed in the water for several more hours, swimming from a pier to an oil rig and back to the pier LOOKING FOR THE MOTHER WHALE! She had the help of a lifeguard boat, several fishing boats, and a small crowd on the pier, but she was the one who stayed in the water with the baby until he was reunited with his mother.

The book is a lyrical description of the intimate connection of a swimmer to the ocean, the tides, the currents, and all of the living creatures of the ocean, both beautiful (dolphins) and frighteningly beautiful (rays and purple jellyfish). It's also the story of the power of positive thinking, and mind over matter. Everything you ever needed to know about taking risks, pursuing goals, and overcoming doubts, you can learn from Lynne Cox in this book. Here is my favorite passage:
"The answer came to me. Wait as long as you need to. The waiting is as important as the doing: its the time you spend training and the rest in between; it's painting the subject and the space in between; it's the reading and the thinking about what you've read; it's the written words, what is said, what is left unsaid, the space between the thoughts on the page, that makes the story, and it's the space between the notes, the intervals between fast and slow, that makes the music. It's the love of being together, the spacing, the tension of being apart, that brings you back together. Just wait, just be patient, he will return."

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Harry Potter Fun!

So, I am feeling a little bit left out of the Harry Potter craze. I am embarrassed to admit that I have not read the Harry Potter books. Not sure how it happened. I started the first one when it first came out and it seemed bad timing or something. My husband, however, was totally hooked immediately. Now, this many years later, it just seemed far too overwhelming to read 6 books in anticipation for the last one. But, I have followed the Harry Potter craze. I love what it has caused. And I have followed all of the media leading up to Book 7. My husband and daughter attended Cover to Cover's Harry Potter party last night (Mary Lee also attended--see photo). They got their books at 12:01 am. My older daughter read until 3:30 am and they have both been reading at every spare moment. But it seems that people have already finished and the world is nervous that someone will give the ending away before they finish.

As much as I hate missing out on the fun, I must say, it is fun to watch all of this objectively. I love all of it and love that the world has stopped for the last of the Harry Potter books. I love that people everywhere today were carrying around the books. I love that many families I know had to purchase multiple copies of the book to avoid any fighting over a single copy. I love that my daughter is getting text messages from friends when they get to a certain page. I love that my husband and daughter are trying to keep up with each other so they can chat when needed. This is all such fun.

I am thinking that I will read the last chapter of Book 7. I don't think I'll ever be able to experience Harry Potter as the world has. I missed it. If I read it later, which I very well may do, I will know so much from the talk, the media, just by being part of the world. I won't come at it as everyone else did. But, I am dying to read the end. I am dying to see how she decided to end a series like this. I have read some of the reviews about the ending and I think I can read it just to see how she did it--how she created a satisfying ending that was not totally predictable but yet totally believable when expectations were so high.

Even though I have not read one of the books yet (yes, I am embarrassed every time I say this), I consider myself a JK Rowling fan. I love that she created something so amazing. I love the brilliance. I love the impact she's had and that the whole world talked about Harry Potter today.

So, I'll keep you posted about whether or not I read that last chapter of Book 7--no, I won't give away any secrets. But, I think it is the only way I can participate in the fun this week. Meanwhile, I'll watch my husband and daughter finish up.

Friday, July 20, 2007

A New Mercy Watson Book

Mercy Watson: Princess in Disguise by Kate DiCamillo is the latest book in this series. I thought it was a little early for a Halloween story but I loved it anyway! I have to admit that it took me a few books to fall totally in love with Mercy Watson. But, I am totally hooked now! It is clear that DiCamillo is a different kind of brilliant in these books.

My youngest daughter is seven and was THRILLED to see a new Mercy Watson book. The humor and the illustrations are perfect for her age. And the plot and characters are wonderful for students new to chapter books. This one may be my favorite--I thought I liked the image of Mercy driving a car, but Mercy dressed in a princess costume (that is a terribly snug) is my new favorite!

The story is simple--Mercy dresses up for Halloween and gets into trouble. Readers can count on many predictable things throughout the story. The neighbors' reactions to Mercy, Mr. and Mrs. Watson's unconditional love for Mercy, and a happy ending. A perfect series for children new to chapter books as well as readers who want a fun story!

Poetry Friday -- Fame

by Naomi Shihab Nye

The river is famous to the fish.

The loud voice is famous to silence,
which knew it would inherit the earth
before anybody said so.

The cat sleeping on the fence is famous to the birds
watching him from the birdhouse.

The tear is famous, briefly, to the cheek.

The idea you carry close to your bosom
is famous to your bosom.

The boot is famous to the earth,
more famous than the dress shoe,
which is famous only to floors.

The bent photograph is famous to the one who carries it
and not at all famous to the one who is pictured.

For what do you hope to be famous? Compare your answer to the poet's.

The Poetry Friday roundup is at Mentor Texts this week.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

It's Not Because We Don't Care...

...it's because everyone else is doing such a fine job staying on top of all the breaking news.

We're not the biggest fans, but we're not grumpy nay-sayers, either.

I'll be at Cover To Cover's party tomorrow night, I'll get my copy at 12:01, and I'll go home and read it as fast as I can while still savoring the moment in history.

Then we'll resume sitting back to see what y'all have to say about it!

Girls Like Spaghetti

A new picture book by Lynne Truss is out. If you liked the original EATS, SHOOTS, AND LEAVES as well as the children's version with the same title about why commas matter, you'll love THE GIRL'S LIKE SPAGHETTI: WHY YOU CAN'T MANAGE WITHOUT APOSTROPHES. As with her book about commas, Truss uses each two page spread to show the huge difference an apostrophe can make. With fun illustrations, children can see the difference in meaning between sentences like "The girls like spaghetti." and "The girl's like spaghetti.". The humor in the illustrations help make the point.

Another fun book and I am glad to see she is continuing with these punctuation books for children. Hopefully, more are on the way.