Thursday, December 08, 2016

Poetry Friday -- Some Days

image via unsplash

Some Days

by Philip Terman

Some days you have to turn off the news
and listen to the bird or truck
or the neighbor screaming out her life.
You have to close all the books and open
all the windows so that whatever swirls
inside can leave and whatever flutters
against the glass can enter. Some days
you have to unplug the phone and step
out to the porch and rock all afternoon
and allow the sun to tell you what to do.
The whole day has to lie ahead of you
like railroad tracks that drift off into gravel.
Some days you have to walk down the wooden
staircase through the evening fog to the river,
where the peach roses are closing,
sit on the grassy bank and wait for the two geese.

Some days when you have to turn off the news, you write. We've been having lots of fun with #haikuforhealing. Heidi said it best:

a fine kettle of 
hawks we have here, 
rising on hot air

Outsiders have joined in. There's been a poem in Turkish, and one from @broetry.

Tabatha's recent post seems very apt: Do the stuff that only you can do -- make good art.

Hey, we set a record -- the Poetry Friday Roundup Host schedule for January-June 2017 filled up in a single week! Thanks, everyone! Here it is. If you need the code, just shout and I'll email it to you.

This week, Jone has the round up at Check it Out.

Wednesday, December 07, 2016

Boy, Were We Wrong!

I've been using the dinosaur book in this series since 2008 (thank you, Amazon purchasing data for that factoid). It's my go-to book at the beginning of the year when we unpack our misconceptions about scientists (not always wild-haired men working in labs) and the work they do (scientific thinking changes over time as scientists use the/a scientific method to gather data and test theories). After reading this book to my class, I have always made the point that science isn't "finished," that there will be plenty of discoveries left for them when they grow up to be scientists!

Somehow I missed using the dinosaur book at the beginning of the year this year, but I tucked it in as a #classroombookaday. Because of the strong community around this hashtag on Twitter, I was alerted to the other books in the series. I borrowed them from the library, but they are now on my Wish List, awaiting the possibility of holiday gift cards. The solar system book and the human body book will align nicely to our 5th grade standards, and the weather book will be a nice review before our state tests! Win-win-win-win for science and the perfect books for my classroom library!

Tuesday, December 06, 2016

Still Learning to Read: Goal Setting

This is one of a series of blog posts that continue the conversation around Still Learning to Read--teaching reading to students in grades 3-6.  This series will run on the blog on Tuesdays starting in August 2016 and continue through the school year.

We have been busy setting short-term goals this week. Goal-setting has been part of our year since the first few days but as we get more intentional about personal goal-setting and are able to take steps to meet our own goals (as well as to see progress toward goals) we have changed routines around goal-setting a bit. This week, as we reflected on work and set some short-term goals (goals that might be accomplished or worked toward between now and winter break), students recorded their goals above their cubbies.  

(A pdf of the template is here.)

I created  a template that allows students to add goals on sticky notes for reading, writing, math and wonder workshop.  The squares on the template are the perfect size for a sticky note and sticky notes give the message that goals will change.  Having the goals in a personal space that they can see each day is important I think.  So far, each child has set a reading goal and a math goal. The writing goals we are working on are more connected to our narrative writing that we are finishing up this week so we'll create new goals soon.  I also plan to work with the kids on more long-term goals for Wonder Workshop.

The template is a simple one. I believe strongly in simple routines for important thinking.  I have seen the power in student goal-setting over and over again. As I think about my bigger goals of agency and identity, student goal-setting is critical.  

We are also using Seesaw as a way to track and reflect on our learning. I am amazed by this tool and the kids love it.  There are so many ways for kids to reflect on artifacts from the year.  Many of the kids used Seesaw this week to record the goals that they had written. Seesaw is a great place to track changes in learning. The share features really helps because as kids are invested in each others' goals. They also get new ideas for learning/future goals from peers through the app.

(Our new edition of Still Learning to Read was released in August!  You can order it online at StenhouseYou can follow the conversation using the hashtag #SLTRead or you can join us for a book chat on Facebook that began this week by joining our group here.)

Monday, December 05, 2016

Books I Want to Read

I have LOVED being on the NCTE Charlotte Huck Award Committee for the past three years.  I have loved reading with the lens of the Charlotte Huck and I feel like I've done a good job of keeping up with fiction picture books and middle grade fiction novels (although there are several that I haven't read yet..).  But I have missed some other kinds of reading I love--I have missed adult fiction. I've missed young adult fiction. And I've missed nonfiction reading. I've squeezed one in every few often but definitely feel like I have missed out on lots of great books in those categories.  So in preparation for winter break and winter in general. I am trying to start a small stack. It is a bit tricky getting back into reading after a few years on an award committee. So I am moving back in slowly, thinking about those must reads--books that I am hoping to read sooner rather than later.  Here are a few that are on my latest TBR stack.

Commonwealth by Ann Patchett

Exit, Pursued by a Bear by E.K. Johnston

American Street by Ibi Zoboi (published in February 2017)

Snow White by Matt Phelan

Any other must-reads to add to my stack?

Friday, December 02, 2016

Poetry Friday -- Call for Roundup Hosts

It's that time again. Six months have passed since last we queued up to host the Poetry Friday roundups.

If you'd like to host a roundup between January and June 2017, leave your choice(s) of date(s) in the comments. I'll update regularly to make it easier to see which dates have been claimed.

What is the Poetry Friday roundup? A gathering of links to posts featuring original or shared poems, or reviews of poetry books. A carnival of poetry posts. Here is an explanation that Rene LaTulippe shared on her blog, No Water River, and here is an article Susan Thomsen wrote for the Poetry Foundation.

Who can do the Poetry Friday roundup? Anyone who is willing to gather the links in some way, shape or form (Mr. Linky, "old school" in the comments-->annotated in the post, or ???) on the Friday of your choice. If you are new to the Poetry Friday community, jump right in, but perhaps choose a date later on so that we can spend some time getting to know each other.

How do you do a Poetry Friday roundup? If you're not sure, stick around for a couple of weeks and watch...and learn! One thing we're finding out is that folks who schedule their posts, or who live in a different time zone than you, appreciate it when the roundup post goes live sometime on Thursday.

How do I get the code for the PF Roundup Schedule for the sidebar of my blog? I'll post it in the files on the Kidlitosphere Yahoo group, and I'd be happy to send it to you if you leave me your email address. You can always find the schedule on the Kidlitosphere Central webpage.

Why would I do a Poetry Friday Roundup? Community, community, community. It's like hosting a poetry party on your blog!

And now for the where and when:

6   Linda at TeacherDance
13 Keri at Keri Recommends
20 Violet at Violet Nesdoly | Poems
27 Carol at Beyond Literacy Link

3   Penny at A Penny and Her Jots
10 Katie at The Logonauts
17 Jone at Check it Out
24 Karen at Karen Edmisten*

10 Michelle at Today's Little Ditty
24 Catherine at Reading to the Core
31 Amy at The Poem Farm

7   Irene at Live Your Poem
14 Dori at Dori Reads
28 JoAnn at Teaching Authors

5   Jama at Jama's Alphabet Soup
12 Tara at A Teaching Life
26 Margaret at Reflections on the Teche

2   Buffy at Buffy's Blog
9   Mary Lee at A Year of Reading
16 Carol at Carol's Corner
30 Diane at Random Noodling

Thursday, December 01, 2016

Poetry Friday -- Haiku-a-Day In December

photo via Unsplash

Hello, December
Orion races west
Big Dipper empties

©Mary Lee Hahn, 2016

Last week, I launched my Haiku-a-Day in December project for this year. I was originally inspired by Bob Raczka's book, Santa Clauses: Short Poems from the North Pole, in which Santa writes a haiku a day from December 1-25. I thought, Hey, if Santa can do it, so can I!

Others who have played along in past years have written a month of Christmas Memory haiku. I've never been that organized, going more for Whatever Inspires Me Today, and writing probably as much senryu as haiku, and sometimes just writing short thoughts with 5-7-5 syllables. 

I've been studying some Poetry Friday Haiku mentors (looking at you, Robyn and Diane), and I subscribed to David Gerard's Daily Issa. I'm intrigued by the idea of layers of meaning in haiku -- the freedom of expression via metaphor, the foundation of the poem solidly in the natural world. And then, there was that thing that happened in November. I've felt compelled to add my voice to the conversation, but how...what...where...why?

So, I looked around on Twitter, found a hashtag that was previously unused -- #haikuforhealing -- and got started with my Haiku-a-Day in December a week early. It's helping my heart already -- both the writing, and the small community that's growing around #haikuforhealing. In addition to my tweets, I am archiving all of my haiku-Tweets in a single post at Poetrepository.

Join me, if you'd like. Find your voice, and find your audience, be it FaceBook, Twitter, your blog, a rented billboard. Use more than just the #haikuforhealing hashtag if you're so moved. Catherine double tagged a haiku with #commonplacemarvels (why isn't that hashtag chock full of poetry and photos and noticings?). I used #BetsyOurLoss to join the public education community's outrage at the naming of Betsy DeVos as Education Secretary.

Today's haiku is a meditation on the passage of time. We can't stop it, we can't hold onto it. Better just to flow with it -- float the best we can, and when we swim, make our strokes sure and clean and powerful.

Bridget has the Poetry Friday roundup this week at wee words for wee ones. The Poetry Roundup Schedule sign-up for January - June will be posted tomorrow (12/2).

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Snow Day!

In the midst of another round of unseasonably high temperatures, I'm dreaming of a snow day.

Before Morning, by Joyce Sidman and illustrated by Beth Krommes needs to be your next picture book read aloud, whether to your whole class, or to the child on your lap.

Study the details on the cover carefully for foreshadowing.

Read the story in the pictures along with the story in the words.

Make your wish...and see what happens!

Best in Snow, by April Pulley Sayre is a great companion to Before Morning. With rhyming text and gorgeous photos, Sayre teaches about the formation of snow and the way it changes with temperature shifts. There are more facts in the back of the book.

A Poem for Peter by Andrea Davis Pinkney, and illustrated by Lou Fancher and Steve Johnson, is the perfect third book in this snowy trio. It, too, is a poem. As Pinkney describes, it is a " 'collage verse,' 'bio-poem,' or 'tapestry narrative' in which factual components are layered with a mix of elements." Readers learn the story of the man who created one of the THE most iconic snowy day book AND transformed children's book publishing at the same time by including a "brown-sugar" "cocoa sprite" character.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Still Learning to Read: A New Nonfiction Book

This is one of a series of blog posts that continue the conversation around Still Learning to Read--teaching reading to students in grades 3-6.  This series will run on the blog on Tuesdays starting in August 2016 and continue through the school year.

We are getting ready to really dig into nonfiction reading so I am on the lookout for nonfiction books that will engage my students as well as nonfiction books that I could use for mini lessons.  I found the perfect book last week. My colleague, Brenda Fields, had Grover Cleveland, Again! A Treasury of American Presidents by KenBurns on her ledge when I walked into her classroom the other day and I had to ask about it and check it out! The next week I picked a copy up from Cover to Cover. What a great find!

There is so much to love about this book. When I was in elementary school, my dad bought me a similar book and I spent tons of time digging into it over the years.   When I brought this book into the classroom last week, several kids were anxious to read it. (We keep sticky notes on the popular books so we know who to pass it along to and you can see by this sticky note that there is a long line of kids waiting to get their hands on this one!)

This will definitely be a great book for independent reading. There are so many ways in for kids that it will be accessible to many readers. But I looked more closely at it and realized how perfect it would be for a mini lesson.

One of the things I know my kids need to learn more about is previewing nonfiction.  One of the things we'll do early on in our study is to learn how to preview nonfiction differently than we preview fiction. At the beginning of this idea, we'll look at books and series and authors and think about what, as a reader, we can expect before beginning to read.  This book seems perfect to introduce this topic.  After flipping through it and spending a bit of time with it as a reader, I notice that all of the presidents from George Washington  to Barack Obama are included and they seem to be in order of presidency.  There are numbers in the top left corner of each spread that tell readers the "number" of each president.  Another thing that is consistent is that there is a two page spread on each president. The spread included a box with a photo and basic facts. There is also a multi-paragraph piece that is in nonfiction narrative form telling a bit about the president's life, including his presidency. Then each page has some other interesting information in red boxes. So readers know what to expect on each page.  One thing I liked is that there is variety in the craft of the writing so I can see using some of these as mentors for writing too.

I think this will be a great book to introduce the idea of previewing books that are not meant to be read from cover to cover--those nonfiction books that you can dip in and out of. Knowing what to expect as a nonfiction reader, can help with choosing books and with comprehension.  And as I said before, this book is far more than a book that makes for a good mini lesson. It is one that will engage a variety of readers.

(Our new edition of Still Learning to Read was released in August!  You can order it online at StenhouseYou can follow the conversation using the hashtag #SLTRead or you can join us for a book chat on Facebook that began this week by joining our group here.)

Monday, November 28, 2016

NCTE 2017 Charlotte Huck Awards

I have served on the NCTE Charlotte Huck Award for Outstanding Fiction for Children for the past three years. It has been an amazing experience. I've learned so much and have met so many great people.  I was never lucky enough to study under Charlotte Huck but her work has had a huge impact on me and my work.

Last year's Charlotte Huck Award committee presented the winning titles at this year's NCTE convention.

The Charlotte Huck Award is a new one and I was part of the first committee. The award's commitment is that it "recognizes fiction that has the potential to transform children's lives by inviting compassion, imagination and wonder." I have LOVED reading with the lens of the Charlotte Huck Award as the award recognizes the power of books for a child. 

I have also LOVED having the book awards announced at the Children's Book Award Luncheon at the NCTE Annual Convention. If you haven't been to this lunch, you are missing out on a fun time!  Previous year's awards are given to authors/illustrators, new awards are announced and there is an author at every table for lunch.  This  year, I got to sit with Mitali Perkins! And Mary Lee was able to sit with Loren Long!  Definitely a fun time!

Loren Long and Mary Lee at the Children's Book Award Luncheon!

This year the 2017 Charlotte Huck Award for Outstanding Fiction was announced and here are the winners! I would definitely check out all of the books on the list--as it is one of my favorite award lists of the year!

2017 Winner

Ghost by Jason Reynolds

2017 Honor Books
Worm Loves Worm by J. J. Austrian

The Night Gardener by Terry Fan and Eric Fan

Ms. Bixby's Last Day by John David Anderson

The Girl Who Drank the Moon by Kelly Barnhill

The Wild Robot by Peter Brown

2017 Recommended Titles

The Seventh Wish by Kate Messner

Luis Paints the World by Terry Farish

Wolf Hollow by Lauren Wolk

A Bandit's Tale by Deborah Hopkinson

Hoot and Peep by Lita Judge

One Half from the East by Nadia Sashimi

The Princess and the Warrior by Duncan Tonatiuh

For past lists and more information on the Charlotte Huck award, visit the award page on NCTE's website.  You may also be interested in reading The Power of Children's Book Awards and 

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Poetry Friday -- #haikuforhealing

An unsolicited email showed up in my inbox. Rather than spam, it seemed like a message from the universe. Here are the big ideas:

5 Insights for Recording Artists, Performers, and Creatives 

1. Make Art for Social Change

2. Channel Your Pain into Art

3. If You See It, Say It, Sing It, or Sculpt It...

4. Be Visible

5. Collaborate

In a seemingly unrelated email, Carol Wilcox asked if I was planning to write a haiku a day in December again this year. 

My creative spirit, who has been sitting out on the porch with her head between her knees for the last couple of weeks, looked up and nodded. Yes, that seems right, she said. A response to the news of the day, shared in the concise metaphorical form of the haiku. 


Perhaps a month of haiku won't heal the world, but it may begin the process of healing my spirit. Join in if you'd like.

image via Unsplash

waning moon
darker nights ahead
light the lanterns

©Mary Lee Hahn, 2016

Carol has the Poetry Friday Roundup this week at Carol's Corner.