Sunday, September 04, 2016

#DigLitSunday -- My Digital Writer's Notebook

Because my phone is with me most all the time, it is my most reliable writer's notebook. I use the notes and voice memo to capture fleeting ideas, and my photos constitute hundreds of seed ideas.

Just this morning, I took advantage of the cool, crisp (temporary) fall-like weather to take a quick bike ride before we hit the farmers' markets for tomatoes, green beans, cucumbers, apples, and French pastries. The very tip-top leaves in the trees look like they are feeling the shift of the seasons. I started getting lines of a poem, and pulled over to record a few words before I lost them. I continued to compose in my head as I rode, and I pulled over one more time before I headed up the long hill towards home and recorded the key words I'd come up with. As soon as I got home, I sat down to my paper/pencil writer's notebook, and captured the first draft of my poem. I've tinkered with it several more times throughout the day, and I think it will be ready for Poetry Friday next week!

Thank goodness for my digital writer's notebook!

Margaret gathers the #DigLitSunday posts at Reflections on the Teche.


  1. Loved reading about your process why riding a bike! So now I want more how to info - essentially which app do you use?

    1. Just the built-ins -- voice memo and notes and photos! Nuttin' fancy here!!

  2. Anonymous8:12 AM

    I wondered how you collected thoughts, ideas. I've tried to carry a little notebook with me, but find that I now have at least 5 and between 4 and 5 of them are "lost" at any one time.

    Sometimes I wish that I had a combination voice recorder and camera (without the phone number!) for just such times.

    And about the "continuing to compose" ... I find that so delightful. Do you?

    1. YES! I had to be careful to pay enough attention to the bike path and all the runners to stay safe, but the whole time I was riding, I was my head (and repeating my ideas over and over so I wouldn't forget them until I got to a spot to stop and record them!)

  3. I do this all the time when I am out walking with my dog. I take my phone so I can take a picture of something that inspires me or listen to a friend's message or compose a few lines. When I use the notes app with the microphone, it's often hilarious what my phone thinks I said. I may do a poem like this one day.

  4. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Thank you for giving us a peek into how your wonderful poetry begins, Mary Lee. I rely on my phone for taking photos while I'm out walking, also. Sometimes I'll record a video so I can capture sound, too. Looking forward to reading your poem on Friday!

  5. Love this peek into your process! There are many times where I think of a writing idea, or a specific line, and by the time I find paper, it's gone. I'm going to remember from now on that my phone is usually close by!
    Thanks! And can't wait to read Friday's poem!

  6. Mary Lee, thanks for inspiring me to use my voice memo on my phone. I do use my notes occasionally. I look forward to your finished poem.


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