Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Setting Up My Desk Area

This is stop-action animation, NOT a video project. We shot about 100 still photos to make this movie!

A big thanks to A.J., my photographer for this project. (He's channeling Ray Harryhausen, whose stop-action animation for Jason and the Argonauts is "still the best.")

The next time I do a stop-action video, I will make sure we shoot at least twice as many photos. I can't wait to show this to my students and to give them a chance to try it, too -- it's quite fun!!


I love Lucy Cousins and was thrilled to see her new fairy tale collection, YUMMY: EIGHT FAVORITE FAIRY TALES. Cousins has retold 8 fairy tales in this collection--Little Red Riding Hood, The Three Billy Goats Gruff, The Enormous Turnip, Henny Penny, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, The LIttle Red Hen, The Three Little Pigs, and The Musicians of Bremen.

There is soooo much to love about this book.

*This is a slightly oversized book--quite a fun size that kids will love to carry around.

*Cousins' brightly-colored illustrations make for very fun versions of the fairy tales. The size and colors make this an inviting book for read aloud. Somehow Cousins' illustrations make the stories a little less scary. The characters have smiles and rosey cheeks. They are quite lovable. Even when the wolf eats Granny, the illustrations make it a bit less scary.

*The text is supportive. I am thinking of those readers who are dying to read chapter books. (As you know i think society pushes them to chapter books far too soon...)This book "feels" like a chapter book--but is far more appropriate for younger readers. The text is spaced well with great line breaks. The text is not overwhelming on the page--it is a good amount for kids ready for a longer-type picture book.

*Cousins has fun with font for sound effects, titles and more.

This is a great find This is a great book for K-5, easily. ! I am very excited about it:-)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

SPOT THE PLOT by J. Patrick Lewis

SPOT THE PLOT: A RIDDLE BOOK OF BOOK RIDDLES is (in my opinion) a must have for all classrooms and libraries. It is brilliant and fun. I have a huge collection of books about books and books about reading so I was thrilled to see this new book by J. Patrick Lewis. But this one is now one of my very favorite books of 2009! It is quite the treat of a read.

J. Patrick Lewis has written riddle poems about 13 great children's books. The books are a great variety--some classics, some recent, but all well-loved books. On each page, two detectives (children in quite adorable detective clothing) are there to figure out the book in the riddle. The poems are written in ways that give us clues. And the poems are all a bit different--some are rhyming, some are not. The illustrations by Lynn Munsinger also help a bit with the detective work. There are some clues in the illustration but they are quite cleverly done--just enough to think about but not too much information...

Really, this book is too fun. I smiled every time I solved one of the riddles. It was a fun read, figuring out the books in the riddles. But I see this book as one you can visit again and again. My first job as a reader was to solve the riddles, but now that I've done that, I can read it again to see the brilliance in the writing, the thoughtfulness in the word choice. What a fun model for our students! I can see kids going back to this again and again and again.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Confessions of a Series Junkie

I took one look at my to-be-read-before-school-starts (kids start in just over a week -- eep!) pile and I think there's no point in denying it: I am a series junkie.

A Fabumouse School Adventure
by "Geronimo Stilton"
copyright 2009 in the U.S. by Scholastic
#38 in the series

I haven't read all of these, but I thought it would be a good idea to read one to refresh myself on the series. Incoming 4th graders are often comforted to find a tub full of Geronimo Stilton (along with the entire Magic Tree House series in the two tubs next to Geronimo Stilton). That's one of the best things about series reading: the comfort factor. But lest the faithful reader get bored with the series, out comes a variation on the theme. Case in point:

Thea Stilton and the Dragon's Code
by "Geronimo Stilton"
copyright April, 2009 in the U.S. by Scholastic

This seems to be the first Thea Stilton ("Geronimo Stilton Special Edition"), with another coming out in September and another in March. (On a side note, it looks like Geronimo Stilton is going to break into the graphic novel market next week with Geronimo Stilton #1: The Discovery of America.)

Thea Stilton is Geronimo's sister. In this sub-series, she is all grown up and back at her alma mater, Mouseford Academy, teaching journalism. Five of her students make up a mystery-solving, adventure-loving group called The Thea Sisters. In this book, they solve the mystery of a disappearing classmate.

by Jeff Smith
Scholastic, 2009

This is the final book in the Bone series. But end of series does not necessarily mean last book. (see above: "switch it up" factor) Now we've got the series prequel, in which we see how young Princess Rose (later known as Gran'ma Ben) got started:

by Jeff Smith
illustrated by Charles Vess

The Bone books are enormously popular in my classroom, and because of that, I see it as my obligation to stay current with the series. (or, alternatively, "I am a series junkie.") The first month or two of school, lots of my readers immerse themselves in graphic novels. Some may be "picture reading," but as long as we can talk about the basic plot and the characters, that's okay with me. After these reluctant text-readers have lived in my classroom for a month or two, they've had a chance to see that all kinds of reading is valued there: easy, challenging, graphic novel, wordless, picture book, poetry, and on and on.

With The Light: Raising an Autistic Child, Volume 2
by Keiko Tobe
Yen Press/Hachette Book Group USA, 2008

Back in January of 2008, when I discovered the first volume of this series, I declared it "Required Reading." Recently, I spotted volumes 2-4 on a bookstore shelf, but our public library only has volume 2. I'll be putting in a request that the other volumes be purchased.

These 500+ traditional manga (reads right to left) graphic novels give the reader a glimpse into the struggles and joys of a family learning to understand their autistic child, Hikaru. The first volume was birth through early elementary years. Volume 2 is "Later Elementary Years."

by Margaret Peterson Haddix
Simon and Schuster Children's Publishing
August 25, 2009
(this one is on my to-be-ordered list since it can't be on the to-be-read pile quite yet...)

I had the good fortune to read the first book in this trilogy just last week -- that means I don't have long to wait to read the second book! (unlike the wait for Suzanne Collins' third book in the Hunger Games trilogy...)

So there you have it. Proof positive that I am a series junkie. Excuse me now. I need to dig in and get caught up with my stories!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Poetry Friday -- Back to School

Best wishes for a fabulous school year!

by Angela Maiers

Dear Teacher,

Love me,
Make me feel special,
Make me feel included,
Make me feel valued,

Smile for me,
Tell me that you're happy to see me,
Tell me that you're happy to teach me,
Tell me that you're happy I am here.

Involve me,
Tell me about our work together
Tell me how I can be of help and mean it genuinely

Notice me,
See all of me,
See my emotions, my laughter my curiosity, my anticipation
See my right, and I will work on the "wrongs"

(the rest of the poem is here)

The round up this week is at a wrung sponge.

* * * * * * * * * *

In the spirit of full disclosure, I must reveal that I did not create the TextFlow of the Emily Dickinson poem that I shared last week for Poetry Friday. I found it, right there with her poem, on the site. Look here for all of the poems on their site that are animated with TextFlow. And yes, if you are so inclined, you will someday be able to try it for yourself.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Prezi: Reflections On My Own 21st Century Learning

Our district sponsors a great 2 day institute for teachers, the Dublin Leadership Academy. It is one that is run by teaches and is a great way to move from summer mode to school mode. This year's Leadership Academy was held last week and over 400 district teachers attended. I loved getting together with colleagues talking through our visions for the year. (The 2 days is set up with keynotes, small sessions, time to work with building colleagues, and time to work with others in the district who have similar roles-a great balance!).

One of my roles was to do a 55 minute session on 21st Century Literacies. I have been thinking about this and sharing my work over the summer so I had a PowerPoint Presentation created on the topic. But I kept hearing about Prezi, had seen it used, had played with it for a few minutes and was intrigued by the idea. So, I thought I'd give it a try. On the Monday before the academy, 8 days before my presentation, I made a decision to use Prezi instead of PowerPoint for the next week. I thought I'd share some things I learned that might shed some light on how to make this all work in the classroom.

For those people who know me well, you will all agree that I am not a linear person. My thinking follows its own pattern that only my good friends seem to understand. So, for the last few years, as I've been using PowerPoint for presentations, it has been a bit of a struggle. I loved the product, but in the midst of a presentation, I might decide to go a different direction based on feedback from the group and I had trouble doing that.

When I saw Prezi, it seemed to be the answer for me. In the time of overheads and transparencies, my workshop planning looked like this: spread everything over the entire kitchen table and organize it into little piles of pieces that work together to tell a story. Then I would figure out how those pieces went together and organize it in that way. I am pretty sure that the Prezi developer worked in the same way. Find "piles" of information that go together and pull them together in a way that works. No template, no parameters, just a blank table for your thinking.

I have to say that I loved the process immediately. I think from an audience perspective, the presentation is similar. You see slides go up and change and you follow along. But for me, the power was in the way I thought through my talk--how I was going to organize it. The tool forced me to think about what I wanted to say in a different way--the visual component had to be first where that wasn't the case with other programs. I had to think through big pieces first rather than the order I would move. And I also had to think about how the whole thing went together.The concept worked for me.

I was also able to teach myself (give or take a few phone calls and frantic emails to friends who were more proficient with Prezi..). But I was amazed that the video tutorials and help book really gave me all I needed to create a decent presentation. I also appreciated the samples to see how others made it work. I realized that our kids are used to this--sitting down and having the tools they need to teach themselves something new. So much different from those first "computer workshops" we had years ago where we would all sit and wait for instructions to "do" the next thing.

I played with Prezi for 8 hours that Monday. I had a day to myself and had planned on doing things around the house. But, I sat down at around 8 am and didn't break away from Prezi until around 4 pm. I was having a blast. (Anyone who read my posts on Twitter that day followed my short-term obsession with this great new tool!) I loved having the time to play and could have gone longer had I had more time.

When I made the decision to jump in and create a Prezi for the district leadership academy, I knew I was putting a bit of pressure on myself. I had a PowerPoint ready but instead of making that one work and changing the pieces, I decided to start from scratch. As crazy as that sounded, I gave myself a pretty short term deadline--a time that I actually had to have a presentation ready to go. I was happy with the presentation that I shared, but there were definitely several things that weren't quite right--things I had to let go because I couldn't figure out how to fix them. I had to be okay with that.

So, my learning helped me think about my work with students. Thinking about my own learning, here is what I am wondering/thinking about:

Do we give kids the time they need to "play" with something new before we expect something? Do they have the luxury of playing for long periods of time?

Do we offer students lots of choices based on the way they think and create? Prezi offers a different process than other options and I want to make sure I have options for my kids and am not always assigning the tool that kids need to use.

Do I avoid using tools with my students that I don't know COMPLETELY? If I had waited until I knew everything there was to know about Prezi, I would not have used it for a workshop until 2010. Do we allow our kids to use the tool before they can create something perfect?

Do I give kids pretty doable work with short deadlines? Or do I drag these projects out forever? I could have worked on this for weeks--probably will go back to it and revise it over and over again. But I learned the basics, shared my info and created something that worked in just a week. What does that mean for our kids?

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

OK GO by Carin Berger

by Carin Berger
Greenwillow Books, 2009
ages 4-8 and beyond
I bought this review copy with my own money

In the spirit of the book Franki reviewed yesterday, LOVE YOUR WORLD, I thought I'd share OK GO.

There are exactly seven words in this book up until the point when you open the double gatefold final spread: go, uh oh, stop, screech, I know. These seven words and the illustrations that accompany them encapsulate the entire history of consumerism, spending, and the use of natural resources in industrially and economically developed countries.

Go: go faster, go more (use more, waste more, pollute more).

Uh Oh: some nations are to this point, others not so much.

STOP (and screech): what we need to do, either collectively or individually if we're going to save our planet.

I know: we're going to need to propose and try every possible creative solution to our environmental problems, including these (and more) that are found in the final spread:
  • Waste less, Jess
  • Catch a ride, Clyde
  • Roller-skate, Kate
  • Don't pollute, Man-in-a-Suit
We need to send Carin Berger to Capitol Hill and let her read her book to Congress. She doesn't shy away from big problems, she proposes a myriad of solutions, and she practices what she preaches: all of the collage illustrations in her book were made with recycled materials.

Better yet, let's read this book to our children. I'm pretty sure the optimism at the end of the book was meant for them.

Here's Carol's review, and here's 7-Imp's illustrator feature.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I picked up a copy of LOVE YOUR WORLD: HOW TO TAKE CARE OF THE PLANTS, THE ANIMALS, AND THE PLANET, published by Dorling Kinderseley. I have seen another book in this series--EARTH MATTERS--but had not realized that there was a series of these CLEANER GREENER books.

This is a great little book for younger children. It is a nice size-about 8 inches square and it features great photos of young children doing the right thing for our Earth. The thing that makes this book stand out to me is that it talks to the child--the writing brings the child into the mission of the book. The book begins with the words, "Let's love our world and try each day, To do all things the GREENER WAY!". The rest of the book focuses on things to do like "We could put a bird house or a bird feeder in the garden." on the page that reminds kids that we can make our planet a good place for all kinds of life.

This seems like a great book for young children---the combination of photos with very specific things kids can do works well. At the end of the book is a promise--listing the things we can do to love our world.

The kids in the photos throughout the book look to be preschool age. But even though the kids are young, there are photos of so many other things dealing with the earth that I think older kids would be drawn to it too. So I am thinking this book makes sense Preschool through grades 3ish.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Goldilocks and the Three Bears by Lauren Child

I really don't even have to open a book that I notice is written by Lauren Child before I buy it. I automatically know that I will love it. No question. She is brilliant and I have loved every book she has written. So, I was thrilled when I saw Child's new version of GOLDILOCKS AND THE THREE BEARS at Cover to Cover yesterday. This time, Lauren Child worked with photographer Polly Borland and set creator Emily L. Jenkins to create an amazing version of this favorite story.

The illustrations in this book are a bit different from Lauren Child's other books. I was expecting something similar to THE PRINCESS AND THE PEA when I saw that she had written about Goldilocks. But, instead, I opened the book to large, stunning photographs telling the story of Goldilocks. And the creation team seemed to find the perfect doll to portray Goldilocks throughout the book--made by doll maker R. John Wright. (There is a bit of information on how the sets were made on the back flap of the book. Totally fascinating.)

As much as I am always intrigued by the illustrations in Lauren Child's books, I have come to realize that her writing is just as brilliant. I love this version of Goldilocks because of the story that Lauren has created. This is a longer picture book--a longer version of the traditional story. I love the way that Child uses words to help us get to know Goldilocks and to enjoy the story. Of course, Child has kept to the tradition of the "Who has been sitting in my chair?" type of lines. But, she has also made this story her own. The following paragraph comes early in the story;

"Her mother often worried about letting Goldilocks out of her sight, but sometimes the little girl would ask just one too many questions and stick her fingers in one too many pots of honey and peek under the lid of one too many saucepans. And her mother, unable to bear it any longer, would send her out to collect firewood."

Gotta love that Goldilocks!

I think I love this book for lots of reasons. I love new versions of Goldilocks and have written about them before. I love Lauren Child--her writing and her creativity. And this book makes me think about my good friend's dollhouse when we were younger. She had a great dollhouse that you didn't really play with--instead we designed and redesigned it. Because of the sets, there is an element of play in this book as we see the home of the three bears as a little house.

Now, this is my new favorite Goldilocks version-no doubt!

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Vision for the Library

So, I have spent the summer thinking hard about my goals for the coming year. What is my big goal in terms of the school library. What is my vision? What can the library be for students and teachers? How do we get there? I have been lucky to find and benefit of so many experts in the field. I thought I'd share my learning and thinking. There are really no answers here, just pieces of inspiration I've found as I've been thinking through this coming school year in the library.

It is such an interesting time to be new to the field of school library. As a new school librarian, I am busy catching up on reading and thinking specific to the field. I've spent a lot of time on the ALA website and reading articles that help me think through the current thinking in the field. I have followed several discussions in the blog world. There was quite a lively conversation this spring about libraries. Since I am fairly new to the field, I listen in a lot--But this conversation involved librarians as well as people who were questioning the role of libraries. Joyce Valenza chimed in on a School Library Journal blog stating:

"What is clear is that a lot of smart people--people who are out there teaching, speaking, moving, and shaking--are disappointed in what they see when they see school librarians. Either we have a perception problem or we need to do some serious retooling. I'd say we have to deal with both. In a hurry."

This is definitely where my thinking is lately--how do rethink what the library can be--what is possible. Not an easy thing to figure out because I want so much in terms of possibility.

I have always believed in the power of play and in the fact that there is a very fine line between work and play when the work is work we love. I LOVE this quote by Buffy Hamilton at the Unquiet Librarian:

"Through collaboration with the library and the use of a wide range of information sources and learning tools, together we could create this kind of learning experience via research in which students would not want to stop and would want to learn."

Another post that got me thinking this summer was from Kim Cofino. The new library they've created is GORGEOUS. Who wouldn't want to spend as much time as possible in there. GREAT LIBRARIES!

I love the idea of a Kinko's For Kids as suggested by David Warlick in his post last May. He says, "If the library might come to be seen more as a workshop where information isn't so much a product, as it is raw material (a Kinko's for Kids, if you will), then it may remain not only viable, but an essential institution."
Personally, I LOVE Kinko's. I try to find reasons to buy some of the little tools that are sold there. I love the counter with the paperclips, paper cutter, etc. So many possibilities for what to create. Kinko's is all about making great "stuff".

Through Kim, I found The Allen Centre. This amazing library and the people who run it have been kind enough to email me about the things they do. When I first saw the pictures, it was like someone had already created the library I had been dreaming of. So many ways for kids to find things to be interested in. How could a child not go into the Allen Centre without a sense of wonder and inquiry. The place invites questions and learning and finding the things you are passionate about. I love the link to the displays--it is one of my favorites on this particular wiki. So many engaged children around such interesting topics. Such smart invitations into learning. I was also excited when I saw the Dino-lite that is part of the Allen Centre. I immediately purchased one for our library. I am amazed at the images produced by this not-so-expensive digital microscope. This space helps me to see the possibilities for inviting kids to find the things they love to learn about. What better purpose for a library?

I loved this recent post about the Allen Centre--so many things going on at lunch. Kids in charge of their own learning in so many different ways.

Like many other school librarians, I am trying to work through the balance of books and technology. So many of us that I talk to are trying to figure out this balance--which is more important--books or technology? For me, I am not sure it is an either or. In my own life as a literate person, books are hugely important but so are my social networks, my tools, etc. They are all part of my days as a literate person. Darren Draper has a powerful little equation about libraries without technology on his blog. What happens when we, as media specialists, ignore technology?

Darren Draper again tells us what he thinks of when he thinks of The Ideal School Library. He says,
"In my opinion, the ideal school library is highly liberating and able to provide a learning environment that's not generally feasible, practical, or even possible in most traditional classrooms. While there always seem to be exceptions to every rule, I think that our libraries should be comfortable, collaborative, open, social, connective, modern, clean, up-to-the-minute, and with shooshing not generally required."

I recently discovered a great blog Getting Boys to Read. There are several posts that have helped me think through the kind of environment that would make kids, especially boys, WANT to come to the library. He even has a great post dedicated to the topic of GETTING BOYS INTO THE LIBRARY.

And then there is the question of gaming. What role should games play in a school library? I have been reading lots on the topic-catching up on the ALA documents, research, etc. I have been picking up games over the summer and plan to participate in National Gaming Day sponsored by ALA. I have lots of reading to do on this topic, but I definitely see the value in this.

And Wesley Fryer recently talked about an Internet Cafe that focuses on gaming in his town--a great place for young people. How do we create communities like this in our libraries?

I also watched this video on Today's Library. Some great thoughts by some brilliant people in the field.

So, pretty much I want it all....I want to create a space that has something for everyone. A space where students, teachers, parents and community members love to hang out. I want it to be a place where kids own their own learning and find that they are dying to learn about. These posts are the posts that are helping me think about how that will actually look when the library is up and running.