This is a great little book for younger children. It is a nice size-about 8 inches square and it features great photos of young children doing the right thing for our Earth. The thing that makes this book stand out to me is that it talks to the child--the writing brings the child into the mission of the book. The book begins with the words, "Let's love our world and try each day, To do all things the GREENER WAY!". The rest of the book focuses on things to do like "We could put a bird house or a bird feeder in the garden." on the page that reminds kids that we can make our planet a good place for all kinds of life.
This seems like a great book for young children---the combination of photos with very specific things kids can do works well. At the end of the book is a promise--listing the things we can do to love our world.
The kids in the photos throughout the book look to be preschool age. But even though the kids are young, there are photos of so many other things dealing with the earth that I think older kids would be drawn to it too. So I am thinking this book makes sense Preschool through grades 3ish.
I just saw this too at the Columbuz Zoo and almost picked it up. The photos are beautiful and I thought it would be great for kdg.