by David Shannon
The Blue Sky Press (Scholastic)
available October, 2008
review copy provided by the publisher
Spencer had too many toys. He had fleets and convoys and parades of toys. He had zoos and armies of toys both big and small, loud and quiet, educational and not.
After Spencer's dad steps on one too many Lego pieces and Spencer's mom trips over one too many train tracks, Spencer receives the ultimatum: "YOU HAVE TOO MANY TOYS!" And he's going to have to get rid of some of them.
Spencer's mom doesn't know who she's up against, though. First, Spencer is a dramatic sentimentalist complete with big sad eyes (like the ones Puss in Boots uses in the Shrek movies). Then he's a crafty lawyer who knows when it's "in his best interest to agree."
Finally Spencer's mom has a box of toys that she can get rid of. But while she's having a cup of tea and a short rest, Spencer discovers one toy he can't do without -- the BOX!
David Shannon read this book aloud at the National Book Festival on Saturday. It was awesome!