Happy New Year!
Leave your link in the comments and I'll round up throughout the day.
I was the earliest early bird of all this week -- I posted on Wednesday about the most amazing gift of poetry ever.
Jules at 7 Impossible Things Before Breakfast treats us to "Burning the Old Year" by Naomi Shihab Nye.
Tricia at The Miss Rumphius Effect has wild bells ("The Way of the Soul" by Alfred Lord Tennyson) ringing in the new year.
John Mutford at The Book Mine Set is wondering whether poetry must only be heard, or whether it's okay if it's read, too.
Douglas Florian at Florian Cafe gives us a sneak peek, "Baryonyx," from his newest book DINOTHESAURUS, which will be out in March.
Gregory K. at GottaBook shares a New Year's poem, "Resolutions," about...guess what?!?!
Lorie Ann Grover at On Point has an original haiku, written to thank a friend for her care and time.
At Readertotz, Lori Ann Grover shares "The Golden An" from Sesame Street. Check it out and see if you understan'!
At The Drift Record, Julie has an original sonnet, "A Sonnet for the New Year," and her favorite quote by a poet in 2008, taken from a September interview of Billy Collins.
Laura at Author Amok was inspired by a New Year's Eve drum line, which reminded her of "The Drum" by Nikki Giovanni.
Janet at Across the Page has a birthday poem for her mother, "A Fable," by Louise Gluck.
At laurasalas, Laura has a poem that will ring true for dog and cat owners alike -- "The (Almost) Perfect Host" by Linda Ashman.
Also at laurasalas, check out the 15 Words or Less poems for this week, inspired by a photo of a chain.
Cloudscome at a wrung sponge is in the mood for Rumi today.
Andrea at Just One More Book! has a podcast review of a rhyming book for toddlers, MY PUP.
Stacey at Two Writing Teachers has a delicious photo and a text message poem to go with it.
Ruth at There is no such thing as a God-forsaken town has a poem to go with her word for the year: look.
Welcome to Lulu at Lulu's Library! For her first Poetry Friday she shares some Robert Frost and her dream that goes with it.
Sara Lewis Holmes at Read Write Believe shares an original, "The Bones of January."
Bookworm at The Bookworm's Booklist is thinking about fresh starts with "My Year Book" by G. Welker.
Bill Varner at The Stenhouse Blog has a poem about fathers and sons this week, "Proud Son of an Honor Roll Student" by Timothy Cook.
Little Willow at Bildungsroman shares a bit of "Hope for the Hopeless" by A Fine Frenzy.
David at Writing Workshop shares two originals today, "Winter Sun" on his website, and another that is steaming up the comments here.
shelburns at Write for a Reader has a New Year poem, "Life I am the New Year," in which the blank book of a new year theme continues from "My Year Book" at The Bookworm's List.
MsMac at Check it Out reminds us to hold onto our dreams in the new year.
Linda at Write Time found a perfect poem from Robert Service to share today.
Kelly at Kelly Polark has an original poem this week.
One of The Write Sisters, Mur, has some advice for improving the quality of your life.
Tiel Aisha Ansari at Knocking from Inside has an original villanelle today, "Holiday Debris."
Jennifer Knoblock at Ink for Lit found a poem that speaks to her about writing poems.
Karen Edmisten forgoes the ease of Billy Collins for some (surprisingly satisfying) T.S. Eliot. Good advice, Atticus! Great post, Karen!
At The Poetry University of Kelly Fineman this week, we have "Jabberwocky," by Lewis Carroll, complete with discussion and a performance by the Muppets.
Tadmack at Finding Wonderland shares a fabulous poem for the new year that will remind you to live in the moment.
Susan at Susan Writes gives us another poem to tack to the wall above our desks and remind us to live in the moment.
Sylvia Vardell at Poetry for Children gives us a glimpse into the future with a list of 2009 poetry books that are scheduled for publication, and she has a birthday poem for Jean Little.
Jill at Jill Corcoran Books writes, "in my post of EVEN MORE WRITING TIPS I have included Marilyn Singer's fantastic compilation of Authors, Editors and other Book People's answers to the question: WHAT MAKES A GOOD POEM."
Jennie at Biblio File is in with a song about Julian of Norwich.
Erin at Miss Erin has a New Year haiku for us...by Billy Collins! Why did I not know that he wrote haiku?
Cuileann at the holly and the ivy has a stunning portion of the poem "Käthe Kollwitz" by Muriel Rukeyser. I love this line: "and death holding my lifetime between great hands." Go read the poem, then go to Wickipedia and read about the life and work of Käthe Kollwitz.
Kim at Page After Page ends our New Year Edition of Poetry Friday with "The First Snowfall,"
by James Russell Lowell.
Thank you all for your submissions and your New Year greetings and wishes. I had fun creating the round up and I hope you had as much fun reading and viewing. Cheers!
Wait! Wait! Don't go yet! There's one more. Teach People Not Books did not ask to be rounded up, but I'm going to anyway. If you don't yet read this blog (on the learn) of a very smart (brains AND fashion) first year high school teacher, then you need to. She's in with an ode to Walt Whitman by Neruda.
This just in...Suzanne at Adventures in Daily Living is sharing "The Collector" by Luci Shaw.
Happy New Year Mary Lee!
ReplyDeleteFor Poetry Roundup I've got a sneak peek at a poem entitled Baryonyx, from my upcoming book DINOTHESAURUS.
douglas at
Hi there, and thanks for hosting!
ReplyDeleteMy post is a review of Shane L. Koyczan' Visiting Hours. http://bookmineset.blogspot.com/2009/01/readers-diary-428-shane-l-koyczan.html
(Happy New Year!)
I'm up with an original called Resolutions.
ReplyDeleteAny guesses what it's about???
Thanks for hosting, and Happy New Year!
Thank you for hosting at the start of our new year!
ReplyDeleteI have a new haiku called Trust.
And at readertotz we have The Golden An.
ReplyDeleteThanks again!
Happy New Year! Countdown to the Inauguration and A Cross-Your-Fingers Whole New Age: 18 days! Over at The Drift Record I've posted an original sonnet titled, oddly enough, A Sonnet for the New Year. I've also posted my favorite quotation by a poet in 2008, taken from a September interview of Billy Collins.
ReplyDeleteThanks for being our first host of the New Year!
ReplyDeleteAt Author Amok, I have Nikki Giovanni's, "The Drum." Seeing a kids' drumline perform on New Year's Eve made me think of Giovanni's great metaphor poem.
Health and happiness to you in '09.
Hi and thanks for hosting. My poem is Louise Gluck's "A Fable," posted here: http://www.acrossthepage.net/?p=882
ReplyDeleteHaving trouble leaving this comment, so sorry if it ends up in here twice...
Janet @ Acrossthepage
Hi Mary Lee--Happy New Year!
ReplyDeleteI'm in with The (almost) Perfect Host, by Linda Ashman, at http://laurasalas.livejournal.com/121575.html.
And 15 Words or Less poems at http://laurasalas.livejournal.com/121168.html.
Thanks for hosting!
Happy New Year! and thanks for hosting. Our contribution is a wee chat about a rhyming book for the little, little ones: My Pup.
ReplyDeleteI took a stab at a text message poem a la Bernard Friot. It can be found at http://twowritingteachers.wordpress.com/2009/01/02/poetry-friday-photo-friday-collide-again/.
ReplyDeleteThanks for hosting the first PF of the new year. :)
Thanks for grabbing my link! You are so good at these round ups. I am looking forward to a day of poetry.
ReplyDeleteHere's mine! Happy New Year!
ReplyDeleteThanks for catching mine before I even left the link. You all rock. And thanks for hosting. Happy new year!
ReplyDeleteI am new here but wanted to give it a shot. Happy new year to all. Here is the link to my blog.
Thanks a bunch.
Happy New Year! I'm still clearing out from the old year, so today I've gone with a reprint: my Bones of January, which initially appeared at my blog in the entirely inappropriate month of July.
ReplyDeleteThank you for hosting this week's Poetry Friday roundup!
ReplyDeleteHere's a link to my poem titled, "MY YEAR BOOK."
Hi Franki and Mary Lee!
ReplyDeleteHere is a fine selection from Bill Varner for Poetry Friday on the Stenhouse blog:
Thanks for hosting!
ReplyDeleteI've posted a portion of Hope for the Hopeless by A Fine Frenzy at Bildungsroman.
Happy new year, everyone!
Here is a New Year's poem.
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year and thanks for hosting!
Thought I'd play a little with the Friday Poetry:
ReplyDeleteAt first sight of you,
My mind exploded,
Only to feel a fool.
Driven delirious by,
Millions of pixels,
Image in space.
Made sweet love last night,
My eyes closed,
You were mine.
Your parted ruby lips,
They yearned for love,
My tongue found yours.
Kissed your top lip,
Gently nibbled the bottom,
My lips brushed your nose.
Lightly kissed your lashes,
Told you just how much,
My heart burns for you.
Cupped your face in my hands,
I’d give you anything,
To satisfy your needs.
Held close your creamy,
Alabaster skin,
My vision, a goddess, I pretend.
Breathed upon your neck
Dreamt dreams of you
Whispered love in you ear.
Your warm body,
Curled into me,
I felt complete.
My hands are in the flame
I feel the burn
Know not even your name.
To burn, to bleed, to die
Fear I not.
To not know you, I shrink.
Never to share dreamy nights,
Or caress the small of your back,
These are the things, I dread.
Timeless love,
Over oceans and continents,
Empty, acutely disenchanted.
The smoldering thought,
The sting, the scorching fright,
Of the hand in the flame.
Do not I fear the flame?
Instead I’m afraid of lost prospects,
Of finding one’s porcelain angel.
My angelic love,
To never be the same,
If the love hurts, so be it!
Happy New Year!! And for the new year:
Looks like there is a theme this week.
Happy New Year! Thanks for hosting today. I have a New Year poem by Robert Service at http://ldkwritetime.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year and thank you for hosting!
ReplyDeleteI have an original poem today titled "Journey's End" at http://www.kpolark.blogspot.com.
One of The Write Sisters, Mur, has some advice for improving the quality of your life.
Here's an original (and seasonal) villanelle: Holiday Debris
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year, and thanks for hosting! I have a poem by Felice Holman at Ink for Lit.
ReplyDeleteHi, Mary Lee -- thanks for hosting!
ReplyDeleteI'm in this week with various musings that mention Eliot, Stevens, and Woody Allen. It's here.
Happy new year!
Thanks for hosting! I'm in with Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll. Here's the link info: http://kellyrfineman.livejournal.com/363470.html
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year and Happy First Round-up Of the Year!
ReplyDeleteI'm in with a poem about starting over -- by Wesley McNair. Thanks for hosting.
Thanks for doing the roundup.
ReplyDeleteI have May Sarton, Now I Become Myself at http://susanwrites.livejournal.com/189158.html
Happy new year in poetry! My posting this year is a look at the 22 poetry books I know are coming soon in 09-- as well as a birthday nod to author and poet Jean Little.
Thanks for adding me! I completely forgot to stop by this morning and let you know it was up. I'm glad you're on the ball today.
ReplyDeleteThanks for being the first to host in this glorious new year!
Thanks for hosting!
ReplyDeleteI'm in with a song about Julian of Norwich!
In my post today of EVEN MORE WRITING TIPS I have included Marilyn Singer's fantastic compilation of Authors, Editors and other Book People's answers to the question: WHAT MAKES A GOOD POEM at
ReplyDeleteMarilyn Singer's What Makes A Good Poem
Here's my contribution; thanks so much for the roundup!
Here you are: http://thehollyandtheivy.blogspot.com/2009/01/look-as-of-music.html
ReplyDeleteThank you for hosting!
I am in with a classic poem about snow.
Happy New Years!
Check out the poetry written by children in "Tastes Like Chocolate" at tasteslikechocolate.com.
ReplyDeletePoignant, delightful, and delicious. Children's voices at their best!
The weekend got away from me: http://adventuresindailyliving.blogspot.com/2009/01/collector-by-luci-shaw.html