Saturday, June 13, 2009

Saline, MI Literacy Conference

The organizers of C.L.A.S.S.--
Conference on Literacy And
Student Success.

The Colorado Ladies.

The Presenter Posse is
happy to have Starbucks.

"I have to do a keynote in
five minutes?!?!?!"

All together.

All together. All together.
Saying goodbyes.
Great conference!


  1. This was an amazing conference that will forever change me. Thank you to each one who attended. To each one of the presenters-thank you for the content that you shared, but more than that...thank you for being authentic. You opened up your hearts and minds to each person attending. I will forever remember the past two days spent with you. I am looking forward to many more conferences with the 7 (including Katie) of you!

  2. By the way....I did it!

    Are there rules to this sort of thing? I am hoping I don't break any, but I am excited. Thank you for the push!

  3. The Colorado ladies are still walking on clouds. We had a wonderful time! The literacy angels have lifted us to new heights. We can't wait to get back home to share our learning and thinking. Thank you to everyone who made this happen. Jenny and Laurie, look at what you were able to create for so many people. Thank you presenters, Debbie, Franki, Cathy, Kathy, Mary Lee, and Ann Marie. We love you! You inspire us. You gave us what our teacher souls needed to hear. We are looking forward to creating our own versions of workshop in our classrooms. Mostly, we want to thank you for showing us how real you all are. Your warm teacher smiles greeted us each morning. Now we can say we had the best teachers ever!
    Jodi, Emily, Rolinda, and Jean
    The Colorado Ladies

  4. Way to go, Jenny! See how easy it is to get started! Good for you!! Let the learning continue!!

    Jodi, Emily, Rolinda, and Jean...YOU were the angels! You brought an enthusiasm and passion to the conference that was contagious!! Have a safe trip home today!

  5. Anonymous8:32 PM

    The Colorado Ladies are trying to hold on to their enthusiasm from the Saline conference. So today we met with our principal and many staff members to discuss what we learned in Michigan. Our principal began with his conference learning: Mike Schmoker. We shared some of our thoughts. We also shared handouts from the literacy conference and asked other teachers to join book study groups with us from the 6 presenters we saw in Michigan.

    Here are my questions:

    1. What do some of you know about Mike Schmoker's research?

    2.A third grade teacher asked this: How do you have an in-depth conference with a reader who is reading a chapter book the teacher is not familiar with?


  6. Jodi,

    Neither Franki nor I have heard of Mike Schmoker.

    If you haven't read the book a child is reading and you want to have a conference, you can ask them for a summary or retelling. You can have them pick another book it is like and compare/contrast. You can ask about the characters, the setting, the theme, etc. You can find out why they picked that book and how it fits into their reading goals.

    There's really lots you can learn about the book and the reader even if you haven't read the book! Think about all the conversation you have with friends who have read a book that you think you might want to read! What do you ask them? What do you expect them to tell you? Same with you and a child in a conference!!


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