I love Patrick McDonnell and absolutely LOVED his book SOUTH. So, I was thrilled to see his new book, WAG! This is a story about a dog named Earl. (I love that the dog's name is Earl--he is quite an adorable dog and the name is fitting.) The book answers the question, "What makes Earl's tail wag?" A great story with great illustrations. A perfect little dog story. And a great mentor text for young writers in writing workshop. Imagine what they could do if they learned from this author--a book to answer a question in a way that tells a story.
I also picked up LOST AND FOUND: THREE DOG STORIES by Jim LaMarche I am newly interested in finding more "collections" of short stories in picture book forms. I think these collections are a great tool to help kids think about story and theme.
In this book by Jim LaMarche, there are three dog stories. Each is short. 12ish pages each. Each one focuses on a different dog and his/her relationship. In each story, someone is

lost. In the first story, a little girl runs off with her dog and doesn't know the way home. In the second story, a little boy's dog sees something interesting, runs off and gets lost. In the last story, a child finds a lost dog. So many messages about the relationships between dogs and people. And so many messages about the ways we find our way back home, etc. A great read. I am sure the kids will love it!
LOVE wag too!!!