Thursday, December 31, 2015

Poetry Friday -- The Roundup is HERE!!

Flickr Creative Commons photo by Brett Bolkowy

Have you read LITTLE TREE by Loren Long? Franki reviewed it here. (Go ahead and click over. I'll wait. Make sure you watch the 1.5 minute video by Loren Long at the end of her post. )

My poem for today is the late 1800's version of LITTLE TREE. Both Long and Thomas remind us that change is hard, but necessary.

It might be time for you to let go of some leaves. Have faith that some sort of spring will come. Believe that you can (you will!) continue to grow.

Have a happy new year. And a brave one.

Winter Leafage
by Edith Matilda Thomas (1854-1925)

Each year I mark one lone outstanding tree,
Clad in its robings of the summer past,
Dry, wan, and shivering in the wintry blast.
It will not pay the season’s rightful fee,—
It will not set its frost-burnt leafage free;
But like some palsied miser all aghast,
Who hoards his sordid treasure to the last,
It sighs, it moans, it sings in eldritch glee.
A foolish tree, to dote on summers gone;
A faithless tree, that never feels how spring
Creeps up the world to make a leafy dawn,
And recompense for all despoilment bring!
Oh, let me not, heyday and youth withdrawn,
With failing hands to their vain semblance cling!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


  1. What a wonderful surprise that, thanks to your generosity, the first PH of the New Year already is live! Thank you (& Franki) for sharing inspiring New Year's Eve reflective posts. Thanks to Franki’s post, Loren Long's book is on my "gift myself" list. Thanks to your sharing of "Winter Leafage," particularly the line "Who hoards his sordid treasure to the last," I had a reality-check flashback to the classic film "Greed." Scary hoarding scenes then when I first saw the film. Scary now when I recall the obscene hoarding scenes. (Good end-of-year/start-of-year motivation to keep downsizing!) Before I wish you a most joyous, and--as you said--brave new year--I need to share, too, that one particular "Little Tree-like" tree has consumed my time and energy every day this week...Thankfully, as of two hours ago, the tree saga is now behind me (I hope!)--2016 heralds a new start! God bless you! Thank you for hostessing the first PF of the New Year. It's a blessing to be on your site!...I appreciate your faith-inspiring affirmation/benediction!

  2. Terrific pep talk/wise words for beginning a new year, Mary Lee - thank you! I'm delighted to share Diane's haiku/haiga/postcard Friday. Happy New Year!

  3. Hello, dear one! Thank you for hosting with such a wise admonition for the new year! I've chosen my OLW for 2016: Happy New Year, Mary Lee!

  4. Interesting to consider the poem and the work by Loren Long. Thank you for hosting - and continually inspiring.


  5. There are oak trees in our neighborhood that cling to their dried brown leaves all winter, "like some palsied miser all aghast."

    Thanks for hosting our first poetry party of 2016!

  6. There are oak trees in our neighborhood that cling to their dried brown leaves all winter, "like some palsied miser all aghast."

    Thanks for hosting our first poetry party of 2016!

  7. Change IS hard, and it is so tempting to hold onto the "robings" of days past. Thanks for sharing this poem and the book by Loren Long, Mary Lee!

  8. I heard a story once about oak trees holding onto their leaves, but with a much different outcome than the one in Little Tree. Your post reminded me I should do some research and rewrite it as a picture book. Thanks, Mary Lee!

  9. Appropriate and moving poem, Mary Lee! Thanks for sharing - and hosting!

  10. Thanks for hosting. The picture book and poem are all too relevant to my life right now. I have been dragged kicking and screaming into the changes I'm facing now. Here's to letting go more gracefully in 2016.

  11. Thanks for hosting! I read Loren Long's book a month or so ago, on your recommendation. I had never heard of this poem, but they fit together perfectly. I think there are a lot of leaves I need to let go of this year!

  12. Anonymous2:11 AM

    What a beautiful poem, Mary. A gentle, nurturing admonition. Thank-you for sharing - and hosting. Happy New Year!

    1. Anonymous5:57 AM

      Oops! Sorry, Mary Lee. Fast fingers caught me out with your name, and I've just realised!

  13. Oh, as all three of our children are teens now...this poem strikes a powerful chord with me - I am learning to let go the young child years. Thank you, ML. You always hit it. Happy 2016, dear friend. xo

  14. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Thank you for hosting today, Mary Lee, and for sharing this lovely reminder that letting go is a good thing. Happy New Year!

  15. I feel lighter already, reading this poem... letting go is one of the great tasks of this life, isn't it? One of my favorite Toni Morrison quotes is: "If you want to fly, you have to give up the things that weigh you down." Thanks for the poem and happy (brave) new year to you, too! xo

  16. Happy new year, and happy blogging!

  17. Thank you for this inspiration on New Year's day. And happy blogiversary to you! I'm so glad you and Franki are here. Thanks too for hosting.

    Best wishes for the year ahead.

  18. Here's to a brave year, Mary Lee. Looking forward to seeing you soon.

  19. I'm going to hug tightly that brave year. Thanks for sharing that wonderful poem.

  20. Mary Lee, in your post you hit at my one word, believe, and that validated my choice. I have faith that believe will lead me on to new growth. Happy New Year to you and all of the Poetry Friday community.

  21. Hi Mary Lee! Thanks for hosting! Congratulations on 10 years of blogging AND your daily poem writing. You are amazing!

  22. Change is hard, and even people who get bored easily can have trouble with change. : ) Loved reading about your blog accomplishments and fascinated by how different the same "notice" can sound in the words of different writers.

    I'm here, unbelievably, on Monday morning and find that my link didn't post on Friday. I was sure I left it, but being about the Cybils finalists, did anything strange happen (like someone asked you to take it down)? I checked and doublechecked to make sure I wasn't too early, but maybe I just never hit SUBMIT!

    Also did you send out HTML for new roundup list? Happy New Year, friend!


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