Thursday, January 03, 2013

Blog Birthday: Giveback-Giveaway #3

Hard to believe that we've been blogging for SEVEN years!

This year we'd like to celebrate by giving back to our readers with a Giveback-Giveaway every day for seven days.

We'll choose a random winner from the comments each day and send them the featured book of the day. The books we've chosen are all new(ish) books that celebrate books and reading. (As we were choosing books, we realize that we need to update our Books About Books and Reading list in the sidebar. Are any of your favorites missing from our list?)

Thanks for stopping by to help us celebrate 7 years!


Blog Birthday Giveback-Giveaway #3 -- BOOK LOVE by Penny Kittle

If you are looking for a great new professional book to ground you in good teaching that leads to helping students become lifelong readers, we highly recommend Book Love: Developing Depth, Stamina, and Passion in Adolescent Readers by Penny Kittle.  This book is an incredible celebration of books and reading and how important it is that we, as teachers, commit to helping every child become a reader.  Although this book is written with adolescent readers in mind, Penny's stories have messages for teachers at all levels.  She spends time telling us stories of reluctant readers who found the right book, she shares routines and strategies that work for her as a teacher. She shares great books. But she also shares the challenges that come with this commitment as a teacher. She knows the struggles we face when grading. She knows that it takes time and energy to build a classroom library that our kids deserve. And she knows that the work of committing to all readers is not always easy work.  The book is centered on being passionate about our readers and our classrooms. It is a powerful read and one that I believe all teachers should read.  Penny has the right message for us in these testing times and she is the perfect person to share it.  Definitely a book that must be added to your professional bookshelf.  This is a book I'll revisit over and over again and one that we are excited to give away!  Comment below for a chance to win this amazing professional read!


  1. Yesterday, over coffee and tea, Carol and I discussed this book. She had a copy. I did not. None to be found in Denver.

    I saw Penny at CLAS discussing this book. I can't wait to read it.

  2. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Congratulations! I hope I will be equally persistent.

  3. Wow! This book sounds like the perfect next-step for me! I'm amazed every day at how my kids are taking to reading when they're given the time. Would so love to take it to the next level this upcoming semester!

  4. I have lived participating in the online book club for this great book and would love to gift a copy to our head of department.

  5. I've been looking forward to reading this your blog!

  6. Okay, I REALLY want to win this book so I can participate in the Book Love Book Club! I love Penny, and I LOVE her books!

  7. Love your blog! Thanks for all the inspiration.

  8. Happy happy blog birthday to two of my favorite bloggers! This book looks fantastic and is on my to-read list!

  9. I would love to win a copy of this book. Thanks for sharing

  10. Happy, happy blog birthday! You challenge me to be a better teacher with every post! Keeping my fingers crossed that I'll be the random name!

  11. I have been hearing so much about this book. It is on my TBR list. Thank you for sharing these great books with everyone!

  12. Love your blog! ....and I would love this book! I head up a book club for Gr 3's in our school and so this would be right up my alley!

  13. Would love to read this book. I try to instil a love of books and reading in my 3rd graders.
    Happy Bogversary!

  14. I would love to read this and share it with the teachers I work with! Happy Blog Birthday!

  15. This book has been a hot topic and would love to get my hands on it! Congrats on seven years! (I didn't even know blogging existed that long ago!?!) Here's to seven and many more years!

  16. Anonymous4:29 PM

    congratulations to two inspirational ladies! Looks like a great read!

  17. This looks like another great book to add to my collection. I definitely need a copy!

  18. Alright this is about the 100th place I have heard about this book. It's on my list to purchase guess I will wait a day to push add to cart.

  19. This books sounds like a great resource. Please enter me in your contest for a free copy.


  20. I've heard great things about this book! Happy blog birthday!! You've created such a fantastic resource & source of information!

  21. What a great idea to showcase a book for teachers about readers and reading. Great title -- this sounds like a gem (hope I win)

  22. WOW!!! Seven years of blogging! So glad I am at the "party" even if late by a mile. This book sounds fabulous and I love Penny Kittle (even though I don't know her) because she was a friend and colleague of my hero, Donald Graves. Can't wait to see what others books you are highlighting. Hope to meet Franki at IRA if I go!!

  23. This book is quickly moving to the top of my "to read" pile! I'd love to have a copy.

  24. Congrats on seven years!! I have heard about this book through Twitter and would love to have a copy! :)

  25. I'm so mad at myself for not getting a copy of this at NCTE! It looks brilliant. I've looked through it and cannot wait to actually read it.

  26. Anonymous5:47 AM

    Congratulations! I wish you both energy and fun to continue. Thank you for the giveaway

  27. Congrats on SEVEN years! :)


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