Thursday, July 14, 2016

Poetry Friday Roundup is HERE! (Moo)

I'll be rounding up "old school" this week. 
Leave your links in the comments. 
I'll add them to the post as the day goes on.

 But first, Moo. 
Thank you, Kimberley Moran
for sharing the ARC of this novel in verse,
due to be published August 30, 2016, by HarperCollins. 

there's a reader who will pick up this book
and know that's a Belted Galloway on the cover.

there's a reader who has shown a heifer at the fair,
using a show stick to adjust the cow's stance.

there's a reader who knows cow nostrils cow slobber cow plops.

These readers
will live inside the story of city-kids Reena and Luke
learning the small-town farm-kid Mainey life,
learning to get along with old Mrs. Falala,
learning to do things they never imagined they could do
or would do.

The rest of the readers
will watch jealously from the outside,
dreaming of freedom and fog and lobster boats.

All readers
will savor Creech's rich language
prose poems
words that skip and drip down the page
words that stretch and shout
words that


Robyn at Life on the Deckle Edge is pondering time and change, Amy Lowell and the Lowcountry of SC (plus three hokku).

Sally at Sally Murphy wrote three linked lunes...with a wink and a nod to her post from last week!

Emily Dickinson is helping Tara at A Teaching Life celebrate the recent rains.

Matt at Radio, Rhythm & Rhyme shares Carol Varsalona's Spring Seeds Gallery.

Keri at Keri Recommends has a vacation haiku from a getaway on the Little Red River in Arkansas.

Bridget's word play poem at Wee Words for Wee Ones will make you groan.

Dori at Dori Reads checks in from vacation in Montana with a glacier poem by a Kalispell student.

Laura at Laura Shovan has a mat-mom wrestling poem for us this week.

Diane at Random Noodling has bunny Haibun, Haiku and art this week!

At Kurious Kitty, Diane is celebrating Gustav Klimt's birthday with ekphrastic poetry written by Ferlinghetti.

Belted Galloways come in cinnamon, as well as dark chocolate. Image via Wikimedia.

At Beyond LiteracyLink, Carol V. shares Jone's Summer Poem Swap poem and encourages us to visit the Spring Seeds Gallery, where you can revisit the Kidlitosphere Progressive poem from last April.

Steven at Crackles of Speech has an original poem for us today about home building.

Linda M. at A Word in Edgewise also has a pair of original poems, inspired by a Teachers Write challenge.

Chelanne at Books4Learning reviews Outside the Box by Karma Wilson.

Myra at Gathering Books highlights Daniel Finds a Poem and tells about her Poetry Workshop for bloggers and families.

At The Opposite of Indifference, Tabatha has chosen a pair of poems with quiet Buddha wisdom.

Brenda at Friendly Fairy Tales is contemplating stillness vs. music in an original poem.

Elaine at Wild Rose Reader has an original mask poem that speaks in the voice of everyone's "favorite" wildflower of summer!

Catherine at Reading to the Core shares an original poem that invites readers to slow down and take a closer look.

Heidi ponders the exact moment the new year arrives in her original poem at My Juicy Little Universe.

Carol W. at Carol's Corner spotlights a birder's journal that includes sketching and poetry.

Belted Galloway nostril close up via Pixaby.

Little Willow has some Hamilton for us at Bildungsroman!!

Molly at Nix the Comfort Zone shares a poem-in-progress about her recent family reunion.

Sylvia at Poetry for Children is celebrating TEN YEARS of blogging! As it turns out, this is her 811th post, and we all know which books to find shelved in the library with that number on their spines! How perfect is that? Well, then...811 cheers (or moos) for Sylvia!!

Julianne at To Read To Write To Be shares the connections that led her from a podcast to a beautiful blessing poem by Jane Hirshfield.

Linda B. at TeacherDance has some "wisdom of the ages" for these troubled times.

Tanita at {fiction, instead of lies} shares Sting lyrics to soothe our souls.

Margaret at Reflections on the Teche celebrates her mother-in-law's 85th birthday in an amazingly spectacular way!

What a treat! S. Evelyn at Notes Toward a Definition stumbled upon Patience Agbabi's revision of the General Prologue of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales: So. Much Fun.

More Emily Dickinson from Ruth at There is no such thing as a God-forsaken town.

At AliceNine, Alice shares a poem that's a "guiding beacon" for her.

Time to lie down in the shade. I think the roundup is almost finished.
No, wait! There's more! Irene at Live Your Poem is still up on Cloud Nine after being named the 2016 ILA-Lee Bennett Hopkins Promising Poet! It's the 15th, Irene, not the 8th! Everybody be sure to go over and give Irene another round of congratulations!

Claudette at 100 Words a Day shares an original haibun to celebrate (?) her recent hip surgery. How about some cheer(s) for Claudette?!?

And Carlie at Twinkling Along slipped in under the wire (West Coast midnight) with a poem about falling in love.


  1. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Fun way to review, MOO, ML! I'm interested to read it. Our county fair is going on right now. Many of my former and future students are showing animals. They know about cow snot and cow slobber and cow plops. Me? I like the goats...and the grilled pork chops.

  2. Anonymous6:41 PM

    I'm thinking this book is for me. I can connect with your preview except instead of cows it was pigs.

  3. Love it! As a Wisconsin teacher, how could I not? :)

  4. LOVE your clever review/tease, Mary Lee! I look forward to reading this one.

    Thanks for hosting this week. I'm in with a nod to the 1920s and Amy Lowell (with my SC Lowcountry mixed in...):

  5. Oh Moooooo I so want to read this now. Thanks for hosting. I'm in sharing three lunes:

  6. I am in the land of county fairs - this is perfect! Here's my poem, about rain, because we had quite a bit of it:

  7. Great way to review a verse novel! Sounds interesting, not only because I write children's poetry, but because I grew up around horses and cows...and in fact, a friend of mine and I were just explaining to our NYC-based editor what a "cow-plop bingo" contest is, so I felt very connected to the opening of this poem! Today I'm sharing Carol Varsalona's Spring Seeds Gallery, where you will find a little offering from Yours Truly:

  8. I really want one of those "Oreo" cows! Sounds like an awesome book! Thanks for hosting and for being awesome. I have a fishy haiku at

  9. Oooh, your Moo poem-review has me corralled, Mary Lee! (hee-hee =) Thanks for hosting this week. I have a word play poem called Vicious Cycle to share this week:

  10. Quick check in as we're on vacation! Thanks for hosting.

  11. I cannot wait to read this book. A few years ago, I took my daughter and her friends to a university run dairy for a school project. Cows have the sweetest faces!

    This week, I had a chance to observe Olympian Jordan Burroughs working with high school wrestlers. I pulled out an old poem, written when my son was wrestling. It's called "Tournament Rap."

  12. We have Oreo cookie cows in NH--they always make me smile when I see one. Thanks for the review, I know my daughter, who teaches 4th grade will be excited to hear about this new novel in verse. At Random Noodling I have haibun--the rabbit kind! And Kurious Kitty has ekphrastic poetry to celebrate Gustav Klimt's birthday.

  13. I love how you inhale Reena's voice and make it your own. :)) xx

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Sharon! And thanks for another GREAT book! Can't wait to share it with my 5th graders!

  14. I am a city kid who knows nothing of cow nostrils, cow slobber, and cow plops but the new book sounds like a fun read. For my Poetry Friday offering, I am showcasing Jone MacCulloch's Summer Poem Swap that she sent me, titled "Summer". Her message is one I will heed: slow down...

    1. I am also mentioning Spring's Seeds Gallery at that features the 2016 Kidlithosphere Progressive Poem and poetry from Poetry Friday friends.

  15. Thanks for hosting, Mary Lee. Can't wait to read Moo...thanks for herding me toward it!

    This week I have an original poem at Crackles of Speech called "Advice from the Field":

  16. Inspired by Jo Knowles Monday Warm up in Teachers Write.

    I grew up around some cows.....for sure I need to read Moo.

  17. Thank for hosting. Please add me.
    (I'll add pics and links and such in am--just want to get on the list)

  18. Hi Mary Lee! Thank you so much for hosting this week. Here's the link to my Poetry Friday this week:

  19. Sounds like my kind of book, Mary Lee. Thanks for hosting!

    Here's my link:

  20. Thanks for hosting and MOOOO! I'm afraid that yelling moo out the car window is as close as I generally get to cows. Sounds like a fun book. I am in with a poem on stillness versus music here:

  21. Mary Lee,

    Thanks so much for doing the Roundup this week! I'm am really trying hard to find time to post on Poetry Fridays.

    Over at Wild Rose Reader, I'm sharing a poem titled "Dandelions"--from an unpublished seasonal collection of mask poems.

  22. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Thank you for hosting, Mary Lee, and thank you for your poetic review of Moo! I'm adding it to my TBR list right now.
    I'm sharing an old poem of mine today that I was reminded of after learning of the terrible events in France.

  23. I wonder if this is the Charlotte's Web for a new generation! Your poem is a very effective trailer.

    I'm r-oom-inating on time today with an original, "liminal."

    Thanks for hosting!

  24. I'm looking forward to MOO! Thanks for this preview! I'm in today with a new-to-me birder's journal, THE ROBIN MAKES A LAUGHING SOUND. I fell in love with the format of this book.

    1. Forgot the link!

  25. Good morning! I've posted a letter to Eliza Schuyler from Alexander Hamilton (with bonus video of Lin-Manuel Miranda reading said letter at #Ham4Ham) at my blog, Bildungsroman:

  26. Thanks so much for hosting and for the poetic preview of Moo! (I especially love your last stanza.) I'm sharing a poem that I'm still tweaking about a recent family reunion.

  27. Hi, Mary Lee, and thanks for hosting and featuring MOO too! I'm celebrating my 10th year of blogging with a look at my last decade in poetry! Whoa.

    Also, could you please send me the code for the next set of Poetry Friday hosts when you have a moment? No hurry. THANKS!

  28. I love all these awesome suggestions, I can't wait to read Moo and several of these other awesome ideas. I am about to start my teaching career, and I am always looking for poems/poetry books I can use for my future classroom (elementary school classroom). When I was in elementary school I was not exposed to poetry regularly by my teachers, and I want to make sure that my students are. This site is such a great resource, thanks for the awesome suggestions!

  29. I have ordered MOO and can't wait to get it. Love your poetic review. I'm sharing poet Jane Hirshfield and singer songwriter Joe Henry.

  30. Moving slowly with an iPad; but wanted to share something in reflection of another sad time. Thanks for hosting, and sharing part of "Moo". Looking forward to it!

  31. If I had to pick a favorite author, it would be Sharon Creech. My fav book of all time is Walk Two Moons. I have not read this one yet, but I will definitely put it on my list. She is an amazing writer.

  32. Belted Galloways are my favorite. We called them Oreo Cows. Thank you for hosting today and sharing this book! I just posted a Sting song today, and am mainly here to read other people's poems.

  33. Thanks for hosting and sharing Moo. I look forward to reading it.

    I am writing daily posts about my recent trip to Tanzania, Africa. Today I recall the celebration that was the reason for the trip, my mother-in-law's 85th birthday. Mary Oliver's Journey describes the person that she is, independent and adventurous.

  34. Thanks for hosting, and for sharing Moo! At my blog I've shared an excerpt from Patience Agbabi's retelling of the Canterbury Tales.

  35. Thank you for hosting. MOO! I have an Emily Dickinson poem today.

  36. Sharing an old poem that has been a guiding beacon. Thanks for hosting, Moo!

  37. Mary Lee: recovering from hip's a haibun poetic form to mark the occasion:

  38. Can I jump in super last minute on late night, West Coast time?!
    Poem tonight about my parents, falling in love.

  39. Dear Mary Lee - I think I am still in Oregon on vacation... and yes Cloud Nine does fuzz the world a bit. Sorry for my mixup and thank you for your save! I am excited to read MOO, as my mother was a huge 4-H girl who showed Jersey cows in Florida. Her scrapbooks and photos and memories are amazing -- I'll have to share this book with her as well! Love the poetic treatment. Thank you! xo


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