Friday, August 15, 2008

Poetry Friday -- Count Ten

Count Ten
by Arnold Wesker

(for Harold Pinter)

Count ten. Then

Count ten again.

That way is time measured

Death denied.

Each measures time

His own way - coffee breaks

Rejections, installments

On the car.

Count blessings. Then

Count them again.

(the rest is here)

Tomorrow I am celebrating 10 years since the end of treatments for breast cancer. I am counting blessings; counting ten. Then I will count ten again. And again and again and again...with hope, and luck, and confidence, and courage, and prayers/pleas to the universe, and surrounded by good friends and loving family no matter what the next ten bring.

Poetry Friday round up is at Big A little a this week.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


I found this fun new book by Kyle Mewburn today--KISS! KISS! YUCK! YUCK!. This book was published in New Zealand where it won some good awards. It is just now being released in the US by Peachtree Publishers.
I am not so good at buying funny books. But this one amused me so I thought I'd add it to my collection. I think it was the art that was the decision maker. It is a bit graphic/cartoony. You can't not love the characters in these illustrations!

Andy's Aunt Elsie always comes to visit and greets Andy with kisses which he hates! (Thus the YUCK! YUCK!) He tries to hide but Antie Elsie is very smart and she finds ways to lure him out of his hiding places so that she can kiss him. But then Auntie Elsie can't come to visit for a few weeks and Andy finds that he actually misses those kisses!

I think this book would be a fun read aloud. It is predictable and kids can join into the "Kiss! Kiss! Yuck! Yuck!" part of the book. The font and text set-up would be a bit tricky for brand new readers. But it would be fun for readers who are more comfortable with text. The text is spread out across the page and in some places is diagonal. There are also speech bubbles and various sized fonts. I could see this as a fun read aloud for K-2. I imagine kid would want to hear it again and again--each time I reread it, I find something new to love!

I Should Never Write Summer Goals!

This should make Mary Lee feel better. Let's see.

1. Read Lots--okay, I feel good about that one.
2. Continue Boot Camp and add a walk 3-5 times a week. Ha! It seemed crazy to get up at 4:45 am in order to exercise at 5:30 when it was summer and I could sleep in. With all of my travel, I had to miss a lot and then this month, I figured I only had a few more weeks to sleep in. So, back to daily boot camp next week when school starts. It is interesting...when you've lived your entire life on the cycle of the school year calendar, it is harder to change than you would think. Getting up at 4:45 am in the summer will have to take a bit more of a commitment. Maybe next year.
3. Learn a few new recipes. If you count fruit dip, then I did this, but I was hoping for some new meals which I haven't gotten to.
4. Drink more water. Hmmm. I drank a bit more on some days but not consistently....

So, there will be no more summer goals. I see a clear pattern here. I don't meet the goals. So, I am not having a list of summer goals again. It seems quite silly when I look at my history of accomplishing them....

Summer Goals Revisited


This isn't going to be pretty. Here are the summer goals I set in June:
1. In an attempt to slow summer down and savor every minute, I vow to make fewer lists. (Ignore the fact that this is a list, please.)
2. I will exercise EVERY morning and walk EVERY morning that it's not raining. EVERY. (Embedded in this one is a daily glance at the ceiling to say, "Thanks for another day above ground.")
3. I will write in my writer's notebook EVERY day. (Embedded in this one is a close attention to what's right in front of me, reminiscing about what's behind, and anticipation for what lies ahead.)
4. Make multi-tasking an endangered species in my life. Focus. On. One. Thing. At. A. Time. Be a better listener.

Here's what I did first thing this morning:
1. Made lists -- not one, but TWO!
2. Gave myself permission not to exercise and walk. (It's not raining.)
3. Moved my writer's notebook to the other end of the kitchen table.
4. Stopped working on an enormous pile of Notables so I could write this post.

How did summer goals go for you? Anyone else want to come clean on their complete failures or stunning successes? (or anything in between)

Franki's goals are here. The round-up of goal-setters is here. Let us know if you post on your outcomes and we'll round those up as well.


Edited to add: Karen at Literate Lives gives herself a 50% success rate. Yay, Karen!
Megan at Read, Read, Read got 4 out of 5 for an 80% success rate. Yay, Megan!
Jen W. at Eclectic Reader is feeling good about her goals. Yay, Jen!
Abby, at Authentic Learner got married AND met her goals.  Yay, Abby!
Bill, at Literate Lives met almost all of his goals, and who cares if it was by accident!  (I call that good goal writing!)  Yay, Bill!
Barbara, at Greetings from Nowhere achieved every single one of her goals!  Yay, Barbara!
Cloudscome, at A Wrung Sponge, has checked in with her successes, accompanied, as you might expect, by a gorgeous photo.  Yay, Cloudscome!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Moxy Maxwell is Back!

Moxy Maxwell Does Not Love Writing Thank-You Notes
by Peggy Gifford, illustrated by Valorie Fisher
published by Schwartz and Wade (Random House)
hits the shelves TODAY, August 12, 2008
review copy compliments of the publisher

Moxy has one more day to write her Christmas thank-you notes. If she misses the deadline, her mom won't let her go to Hollywood to visit the father she hasn't seen for three years.

Only Moxy can make not writing thank-you notes so entertaining. Much of the not writing takes place in Ajax's office, and involves Ajax's new copy machine that he got for Christmas, and Ajax's La-Z-Boy chair, and Ajax's carefully organized piles that are everywhere. (Ajax is the "famous children's book writer" who married Moxy and Mark's mom. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure Ajax is modeled after J. Patrick Lewis, Peggy Gifford's brother in-law.)

There is also a surprise return appearance by gold spray paint, even though readers of Moxy's experience with her summer reading in Moxy Maxwell Does Not Love Stuart Little might assume that Moxy had learned her lesson about spray paint.

Moxy's mom is again deserving of sainthood in this book, and although it's not clear whether Moxy will ever get her Christmas thank-yous written, she does indeed write the "first real thank-you note of her life."

Monday, August 11, 2008

Alan Silberberg at Thurber House

An article about Alan Silberberg's visit to the Thurber House appeared in today's Columbus Dispatch. I was out of town when he spoke at Cover to Cover but was happy to read about his work with kids at Thurber House.

Blue Vehicle Fables

Little Blue Truck
by Alice Schertle
illustrated by Jill McElmurry
Harcourt, 2008
review copy compliments of the publisher

I grew up with a little blue train that accomplished great things through the power of positive thinking and a deep and unswerving belief in himself.

Fast forward a bunch of years and we have a little blue truck, who takes time to "Beep" at all the animals along the road. A big important dump truck roars through the story and promptly gets stuck. When the little blue truck tries to help, he gets stuck, too. But all it takes is one "Beep," and all of that networking pays off -- all the animals come to help the little blue truck help the big dump truck.

So now it's all about cooperation and collaboration? Self-reliance and independence are out the window (or out-of-date)?

Maybe there needs to be room on the shelf for both the blue train and the blue truck.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Back to School Fears

Garmann's Summer
by Stian Hole
first published in Norway by J.W. Cappelens Forlag, 2006
Eerdmans Books for Young Readers, 2008
review copy compliments of the publisher

This is not your typical happy-happy joy-joy, don't-be-afraid
everything-will-turn-out-fine kind of book. Garmann works on his fears the way your tongue goes to the sore spot where you bit the inside of your lip. He asks his ancient aunts, his father, and his mother about their fears. He delivers deep, deep lines like, "If you can't remember anything, you have nothing to be scared of."

You may not decide to share this book with children after you read it. But if you are sending kids of any age off to school, or if you will be on the receiving end, you need to read this book to remember how scary the beginning of the school year can be.

Another blog review: Fuse #8


Late for School
by Stephanie Calmenson
illustrations by Sachiko Yoshikawa
Lerner Publishing Group (Carolrhoda Books), 2008

Here's one that's perfect for the youngest readers. Mr. Bungles wakes up late one day, and realizes that he might be late for school. "Oh, no! I'm the teacher/and it's my rule/to never, ever, ever be late for school!" After the first two pages, which get the reader acquainted with the rhyme scheme, every double page spread sets up a rhyme for the type of transportation Mr. Bungles will use, but the rhyming word is on the next spread. Perfect for making predictions, especially when you start looking closely at the picture clues. (There is also a clock on every spread, ticking closer and closer to 9:00.) For example: "Where is my shoe?/It can't be far./I found it! I'm dressed./Now I'll hop in my..."

No happy ending in this one, either. Mr. Bungles is late for school. You'll have to read to find out how he changes his...


I Know an Old Teacher
by Anne Bowen
pictures by Stephen Gammell
Lerner Publishing Group (Carolrhoda Books), 2008
review copy compliments of the publisher

Here's a great addition to your "I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly" variant collection.

Miss Bindley takes the class pets home over the long weekend and promises her class she'll take good care of them. Unbeknownst to her, the students are peeking in her window and they see her eat a flea, a spider, a fish, rat, snake, and lizard. She has her limits, though. "I know an old teacher who swallowed a child. 'Swallow a child?' the old teacher smiled...'I would never do that!' "

Finally, a happy ending!

Saturday, August 09, 2008


Here are two of my favorite spaces in my classroom. The first is the picture book area. The reason this is one of my favorite spaces is because it is one of my students' favorite spaces. They love the window. They race to it to watch it snow, the morning sun shines through the crystal hanging there and leaves scraps of rainbows on the chalkboard, we watch the leaves of the sweet gums outside the window turn every possible shade of red and orange and yellow in the fall, and, as you can see, that's where my collection of wind chimes (each was a student gift) hangs. They love it when the weather's right to open the windows and work with breezes and chimings.

Most teachers arrange their rooms so their desk blocks access to the window. They co-opt one of the best pieces of real estate in the classroom. I choose to share it. (Even if some book covers are faded by the sun!)

My desk faces the window...from across the room. I can track the seasons by watching the slant of the early morning sun change from further north to further south and back again.

I love my desk at this time of the year: there are no piles on it or anywhere around it! On the wall I have my collection of magnets (all student gifts), some favorite quotes, and clips ready for the artwork students will give to me. My professional books (small selection kept at school; the rest are at home) and district content binders are lined up and ready for service. The lamp is on so it feels like home. (Might as well be, I spend enough hours there!)

Having such a small desk is another visual statement I make about the value of the real estate in the classroom: I try not to take up too much more space than each of my students. It's our classroom more than it's mine. I usually have at least two empty desks in the classroom for alternative work spaces and if I need to spread out more than my little desk will allow, that's where I work.

What are some of your favorite spaces in your classroom, your library, your home office? Send us a link to your post -- we'll do a round up on September 1. (More info here.)

Friday, August 08, 2008

Supporting Our Struggling Readers

In Curt Dudley-Marling's post on the NCTE Elementary blog, he mentions a book that sounds like something I want to read. It is not a new book, but one that seems to be important to read now--seems to have good insights on our most struggling learners.
Curt's posts on the NCTE blog are always so thought-provoking. Glad I popped over there today. A great post to read as we get ready to start a new school year.