Tuesday, April 03, 2018


We are strong as one, but we are stronger together.  ~Brennan


Like Legos, we
stick together. We are
not just strong,
we are as creative as
the wildest imagination. Like Legos, you start with one
you end with something surprising and new. We
really are

©Mary Lee Hahn, 2018

Monday, April 02, 2018

Astronomical Passions

Invite others to wonder with you.  ~Austin Kleon

Astronomical Passions

Black holes! Galaxies! Space! The Universe will invite
you to be awed and amazed. Find others
with the same astronomical passions to
marvel at, to wonder
about, and to investigate with

©Mary Lee Hahn, 2018

Sunday, April 01, 2018

Keep Your Promises

Make your life a masterpiece. Imagine no limitations on what you can be, have, or do.  ~Brian Tracy

Keep Your Promises

I accept your challenge. I will make 
a poem using each of your 
quotes. A snapshot of your life 
in fifth grade, the collection will not be
and I imagine 
one will appreciate the poems as much as you. The limitations 
I have put on 
myself with these poems will show you that what 
challenge yourself to do can 
done. You have 
to keep your promises. There is no either/or
do what you said you would do.

©Mary Lee Hahn, 2018

Saturday, March 31, 2018

Poetry Month 2018

This year's class -- The Hahn Squad -- loves to find patterns.
They have found patterns in the date
(one of our favorites all year, a Squad Member's birthday, was 3/6/18...3x6=18),
in recurring themes in our read alouds (the desire for invisibility),
and in the lucky coincidence that there are 30 days in April and 30 students in our class.

When the 30 Days, 30 Students, 30 Poems challenge was laid at my feet by an eager and earnest Squad Member, what could I do? I had to accept.

For their part, I asked each of the 30 Squad Members to chose a quote they love. I originally intended to write a personalized Golden Shovel Poem for each student using their quote as the striking line. Although some may turn out to be specific to the student who chose the quote, most will pay tribute to some part of the 2017-2018 5th Grade Hahn Squad experience.

31 Teaching Truths

Photo by Fischer Twins via Unsplash

31. Believe in magic.

Because teaching and learning are magic, aren't they? Building a classroom community from scratch every year; meeting the ever-changing, ever-shifting needs of a diverse group of learners to the very best of your ability day after day; making a kid's day; making a colleague's day; learning to be a better teacher years or decades into your career...it's all magic. And without these strong threads of magic that we weave in our classrooms, the fabric of our nation...of our democracy...would fray and shred and dissolve.

Believe in magic. Don't ever stop. So much depends on the work you do every minute of every day.

Friday, March 30, 2018

31 Teaching Truths

Photo by Fischer Twins via Unsplash

30. Celebrate your spot on your district's seniority list.

When Franki texted me that we have both made it to the front page of our district's seniority list, I had to see for myself. Sure enough, there I am: out of the thousands and thousands of certified teachers in our district, I am #15. And there she is, hired just a year later, about fifteen spots below me.

Today I'm celebrating my rise from the newest hire to one of the most seasoned teachers in the district. I celebrate all the mistakes I've made, all of the successes I've had, and all the students I've taught. Hooray for a career that began with no computers and will end with...I'm not even going to attempt to predict the changes that will continue with lightning speed in the next few years. I'm glad I had a chance to be a Whole Language teacher in the 1980s. I think those years before the intense pressure of standards and testing gave me a foundation in student-centered teaching that has served me (and my students) well. I'm glad I staunchly adhered to my generalist stance all these years. Being a generalist rather than a specialist has allowed me to be a leader in the district in math, language arts, environmental science/outdoor education, and multiage/looping.

If there are thousands of teachers between you and the front page of your district's seniority list, don't despair, and don't focus on all the years it will take you to get to the front page. Take it one class at a time, one big project at a time, one new leadership opportunity at a time, one swing of the education pendulum at a time. 

Thursday, March 29, 2018

31 Teaching Truths

Photo by Fischer Twins via Unsplash

29.  Stick around -- things will change.

There's never a dull moment in education. Even if you're just along for the ride, you'll need to hold on at times. Public education is one of the most important rights of the citizens of a democracy. It's worth the time you spend working inside the system, and, if you are so moved, it's worth the time you spend working for the system.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

31 Teaching Truths

Photo by Fischer Twins via Unsplash

28.  Stay in touch with former students.

The only way we can get a long view of the work we do each year with a group of students is to watch them grow up. It's thrilling to see my former students become moms (including one who has adopted a special-needs child), teachers, professional photographers, medical students, politicians, professional cyclists, and scientists. I look at my former students and I know that my work has truly made a difference.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

31 Teaching Truths

Photo by Fischer Twins via Unsplash

27.  Test scores are snapshots.

A test score is a snapshot (sometimes not particularly flattering) of each of your students and of your teaching.

A test score is not an hours-long documentary that fully explores the ups and downs of the daily learning of each student and the highs and lows of your teaching over the course of a year.

Do your best to teach the learners in your class. Encourage your students to do their best on the tests. But don't forget that the results you'll get are snapshots.

Monday, March 26, 2018

31 Teaching Truths

Photo by Fischer Twins via Unsplash

26. Try something new.

The only way to keep your career alive across decades will be by trying new things. Some stick and become "the way I always," but others die off because they needed a particular group of students or a unique quirk of that year's schedule to be powerful.

#classroombookaday was new to me last year, but I think this fun and powerful routine of making time each day for a no-strings-attached picture book read aloud will stick because, well, "fun and powerful" says it all.

A few years ago I started projecting my read-alouds via Kindle. Recently, I've tried to make sure we listen to an Audible production while we read along at least once a year. This year, Refugee (by Alan Gratz) was perfect for listening to professional readers with just the right accents.

My grade level has changed up the way we do Genius Hour to better meet the needs of all of our students. We have one group that committed to doing TED talks, while three groups are cycling through 6-week sessions of makers' space, creativity challenges, and coding/technology projects. I had to let go of my classroom Genius Hour, but I think my students have gotten as much or more from this new approach.

Take a risk and try something new!

Sunday, March 25, 2018

31 Teaching Truths

Photo by Fischer Twins via Unsplash

25. Be yourself.

I don't own any leggings and I know next to nothing about popular culture and sports, but these facts don't cause a moment's loss of sleep.

I can pair readers with the perfect books, teach writers how to craft an introduction, scaffold a hesitant math student to confidence, and tolerate the messes that come with scientific experimentation.

Be yourself and you will be the right teacher at the right time for an untold number of students who also don't "fit in" for any number of visible or invisible reasons.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

31 Teaching Truths

Photo by Fischer Twins via Unsplash

24. Lead.

If you've been following these 31 Teaching Truths, you might sense a progression in the last few days. #21 was Trust yourself. An important stance, but we should never forget that the smartest person in the room is all of the people in the room, so #22 was Build a PLN. The ultimate PLN is a professional organization in your content area, so #23 was Join a professional organization.

As important as it is to be a joiner, the ultimate challenge lies in being the one with the vision, the energy, and the stamina to lead. You'll never know what you're made of until you put yourself out in front and lead.

Franki is one of my leadership heroines. She has led in every building where she's served, she's led in our district, she's led professional thinking with her books (kudos also to her co-writer on many of them, Karen Szymusiak), she's led local and statewide organizations, and now she's on the brink of becoming the president of NCTE. Three cheers for Franki!

Friday, March 23, 2018

31 Teaching Truths

Photo by Fischer Twins via Unsplash

23. Join a professional organization.

A professional organization for your content area is the ultimate PLN. Language Arts teachers, consider joining NCTE. Math teachers, think about joining NCTM. The publications and conferences these organizations offer (you can join the national organization or the statewide affiliate) are invaluable.

Poetry Friday -- Fable

Flickr Creative Commons Photo by James Havard

by Ralph Waldo Emerson

The mountain and the squirrel 
Had a quarrel; 
And the former called the latter ‘Little Prig.’ 
Bun replied, 
‘You are doubtless very big; 
But all sorts of things and weather 
Must be taken in together,
To make up a year 
And a sphere. 
And I think it no disgrace 
To occupy my place. 
If I’m not so large as you, 
You are not so small as I, 
And not half so spry. 
I’ll not deny you make 
A very pretty squirrel track; 
Talents differ; 
all is well and wisely put; 
If I cannot carry forests on my back, 
Neither can you crack a nut.’

Laura has the Poetry Friday Roundup this week at Writing the World for Kids.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

31 Teaching Truths

Photo by Fischer Twins via Unsplash

22. Build a Professional Learning Network (PLN).

Because as good as it is to trust yourself (see #21 yesterday), sometimes you need the "hive mind" to come up with the best idea for how to teach that lesson. Your PLN can be as close as your grade level or content team, or as far-flung as fellow educators on Twitter.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

31 Teaching Truths

Photo by Fischer Twins via Unsplash

21. Trust yourself.

Come up with your own idea about how teach that lesson. Think about the process you use to make meaning when you read, think about how you go about organizing your thinking for a writing piece. Trust yourself.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

31 Teaching Truths

Photo by Fischer Twins via Unsplash

20. Go ahead and cry.

Some days are hard. Sometimes the weight of everything those thirty young souls carry around while they are working to master opinion writing and division with decimals and the similarities and differences between light and sound is just to much to bear. Sometimes the weight of everything you are carrying around is too much to bear.

Then pick yourself up and get back at it.

Monday, March 19, 2018

31 Teaching Truths

Photo by Fischer Twins via Unsplash

19. Be "The One Who..."

First there was CRB. She was the one who unlocked all the rooms on the second floor because she got to work insanely early. (Wait...did she unlock ALL the doors on both floors?!? I wouldn't put it beyond her.)

She retired and Coop inherited her classroom and carried on the unlocking tradition.

I'm the one who makes the candy that gets delivered after Thanksgiving break. There's the one who always organizes the fashion show for Multicultural Day, the one who cleans out the fridge in the lounge and makes the schedule for Friday treats, the one who serves on the district Leadership Academy committee, the ones who are brave enough to sing karaoke in front of all the students in the school. There used to be the one who sang "Summertime" a cappella over the PA system after the buses pulled away on the last day of school. We miss her. No one has picked up that tradition. Hard shoes to fill.

One of the things that makes our building amazing is our community, our culture. It takes everyone being willing to be "The One Who" to make that kind of community and culture happen. It starts with one and it spreads.

Are you "The One Who?" Or is it time you pitched in and became "The One Who?"

Sunday, March 18, 2018

31 Teaching Truths

Photo by Fischer Twins via Unsplash

18. Be prepared.

Sometimes I forget how smoothly things flow when I make extensive and detailed plans. Last week when we were ramping up our long division skills back to where 4th grade leaves off, I not only created strategically mixed-ability small groups, but I also planned out where in the classroom each group would work. Gone was the chaos of choosing a partner and finding a spot to work.

If only there were enough hours in the day to plan that way for every subject every day all week long.

Saturday, March 17, 2018

31 Teaching Truths

Photo by Fischer Twins via Unsplash

16. Build in choice. (they raise their own bar)

Choice is one of the most powerful teaching moves we have in our toolkit. It's one thing if you offer a list of choices for work time, but your classroom community operates at a whole new level of trust when you teach a couple of adding fractions math games and then, in making rounds and checking in with partners and groups, you find that some boys have invented their own game which requires them to practice adding fractions in a WAY more complicated (and interesting) manner than any of the games you offered. A reminder here that when you see something going on in your classroom that doesn't look like what you expected, slow down and get information before you fly off the I'm In Control Here/Do What I Say handle.

Friday, March 16, 2018

31 Teaching Truths

Photo by Fischer Twins via Unsplash

16. Raise the bar.

Up the ante. Kick it up a notch. Set a deadline and stick to it. Is teaching your job, or are you a professional?

Oh. You thought I was talking about raising the bar for your students. Well, yeah, raise the bar for them, too. That's what we do all the time as we build their understanding of more and more complicated ideas and content.

But if we're going to apply this saying to the work you ask your students to do, then please remember: when you raise the bar in a game of limbo, you make it easier to get under. So every now and then, maybe you should raise the bar for the wiggle under and not the vault over.

And how about this: if we change the spelling of raise, we totally change the nature of the game: raze the bar. What would that look like in your classroom?

Poetry Friday: Saying Goodbye

Unsplash Photo by Steve Johnson

Saying Goodbye

The storage unit is pitch black
The boxes 
are stacked right where we left them. I kick one with my shoe 
and wonder what I’m going to do with these boxes 
once I get them home. There will be new 
piles of boxes 
in our basement. I’d rather have you 
back than all these memories stuffed into boxes.

©Mary Lee Hahn, 2018

This Golden Shovel was written for the March 2018 Ditty Challenge using part of a line of a poem by Devon Hope. I wrote it to remind myself that I can write in this form. (I wrote one last April for Malvina Reynolds.) I wrote it because of my poem-a-day challenge for April (coming up at the speed of time). When I began my "sort of a Slice of Life Challenge but not really" for March, I hadn't decided what I'd do for my Poetry Month challenge. I was talking to my students about the goals and challenges writers set for themselves and one of them laid down the gauntlet. Our classroom family has since grown from 29 to 30, so...why not. I've never in my career had 30 students (never again, please), so why not write a poem about each child? Never one to make things easy for myself, I've had each student choose a quote that resonates with him/her. 

In April, I will write a Golden Shovel for/about each of my 30 students using the quote they chose as the poem's "striking line."


Linda has the Poetry Friday Roundup this week at TeacherDance.