A Year of Reading has been awarded a Kreativ Blogger award by Susan at Ink Spells. Thank you so much, Susan!
We've been looking for an excuse to share a little linky luv with a couple of new blogs you should check out, so we'll pass this award on to:
Read...Write...Talk, a new blog that is taking a smart look at reading and writing workshop. Her classroom is 8th grade, but her thinking is universally sound. Head over and take a look -- great stuff going on there!
Some Novel Ideas. Stacy is also a middle school teacher, but she's thinking about technology, school libraries, Scholastic Book Fairs, and more. Add her to your reader and watch for great things to develop on her blog!
Here are the rules for passing on this award, but we are going to fudge a few of the steps since things are pretty crazy in both of our lives this week.
2) Thank the person that gave it to you and link to their blog. √
3) Write 7 things about yourself we don't know. (gotta pass this time, but here's an old meme that might tell you a few things about each of us that you don't know...)
4) Choose 7 other bloggers to pass the award to. (we'll stick with two...)
5) Link to those 7 other bloggers. (or two, as the case may be...)
6) Notify your 7 bloggers. (or two, as the case may be...)
I'm happy to share the love! And now I have a couple new blogs to check out . . . !
ReplyDeleteThis is Ann from the Read Write Talk blog (readwritetalk.wordpress.com). Just sending a BIG THANKS for my blog award. It is very humbling... after looking at so many blogs! Thanks- know I check out your blog often and always enjoy your posts. Keep the good stuff coming!