Thought for the day: don't judge a book by its cover; don't assume you understand stone.
Stoneby Charles Simic
Go inside a stone
That would be my way.
Let somebody else become a dove
Or gnash with a tiger's tooth.
I am happy to be a stone.
From the outside the stone is a riddle:
No one knows how to answer it.
Yet within, it must be cool and quiet
Even though a cow steps on it full weight,
Even though a child throws it in a river;
The stone sinks, slow, unperturbed
To the river bottom
Where the fishes come to knock on it
And listen.
(the rest of the poem is here)Leave your Poetry Friday link in the comments. We'll round up at various times throughout the day. Happy Friday! Happy Poetry Friday!
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The early birds are in!Andrea and Mark, at Just One More Book, have a review of a "snazzily illustrated" rhyming book that was an instant hit in their house. It's the kind of book that will inspire you to start rhyming!
cloudscome, at a wrung sponge, has a poem for her boys, accompanied, as always, by her fabulous photography.
Jamie, at AdLit.org, is joining us for the first time with a review of a book of poems by a Canadian author.
Tiel Aisha Ansari, at Knocking from Inside, has a haunting original poem based on a short story by Ursula LeGuin.
Eisha, at Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast, has again received inspiration from The Poets Upstairs (who apparently are also cooks). She's introducing us to a poet who needs more attention, and sharing a poem that is not for the queasy.
Sara, at Read, Write, Believe, shares one of her favorite poems this week. It's a poem that makes you vow to stand up a little taller.
writer2b has her head in the stars today. She shares a whole constellation of poetry and images.
Mme T, at Destined to Become a Classic, has been critter-watching in her jungle-garden. She found a kindred spirit (and a new favorite poet) in Roethke.
jama, of jama rattigan's alphabet soup, has her head not in the stars, but in her refrigerator today. I dare you
not to open your fridge after you read her post!
(Excuse me for an editorial aside here. Did I ever mention how much I love Poetry Friday? When I describe it to non-bloggers, I tell them it is like a party. You get to go and "hang out" with your "friends" (who could be the bloggers or the poets/poems that are shared that week), but you are always guaranteed to meet some "new friends" every week as well. As the hostesses of this "party," we have the added fun of watching patterns and connections emerge in the poems everyone chooses. It's a little like time-lapse photography.
Okay. That's all. Back to the poems.)
At Wild Rose Reader, Elaine has a review of J. Patrick Lewis' World's Greatest: Poems, along with some insider information about how this book came to be (and a sad-but-true connection to one of the poems in the book.)
At Blue Rose Girls, Elaine shares a poem that will make you reflect back on all your summer jobs, and perhaps also on all of your mentors.
Laura Salas has a great picture from camp and this week's 15 Words or Less Poems.
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It's been a busy and productive morning! How about some more poetry now?!?!Sylvia, at Poetry for Children, has a book review for us today.
Linda, at Write Time, shares her contribution to Lee Bennett Hopkins' new collection HAMSTERS, SHELLS, AND SPELLING BEES.
(The quote of the day on my iGoogle page: "There is no reciprocity. Men love women, women love children, children love hamsters." - Alice Thomas Ellis)
alotalot, at A Little of This, A Little of That, has pioneers on her mind today.
Sherry, at Semicolon, has a poem by Spencer and a question for you.
Little Willow, at Bildungsroman, features upbeat lyrics to an ABBA song.
Tabatha has links to some poetry games and shares an original poem, too!
Charlotte, at Charlotte's Library, writes about a time when a book she liked led her to a poem she liked and inspired her to go read more. She, too, has a question for you.
Kelly, at Writing and Ruminating, shares a tribute to Randy Pausch, of THE LAST LECTURE fame.
Becky, at Becky's Book Reviews, reviews BECOMING BILLIE HOLIDAY. Mark your calendar for its October appearance in bookstores.
Michele, at Scholar's Blog, is taking comfort in Shakespeare when all else seems to be going wrong.
Susan, at Chicken Spaghetti, shares some Ralph Covert song lyrics, and she's doing a GIVEAWAY OF THE RALPH'S WORLD CD FOR CHILDREN. Get over there by 8:00 tonight and get your name in the drawing!
Lisa, at Under the Covers, reviews a book of treasure hunt poems.
TadMack, at Finding Wonderland, shares a poem that ponders mental health.
Sarah, at Just Another Day of Catholic Pondering, today is pondering the power of the right poem at the right time.
Diane, at The Write Sisters, is another Poetry Friday newcomer. Welcome ladies! Thanks for sharing the link to one of your favorite sources for pictorial inspiration for writing poetry!
Laurel, at Laurel Snyder, has mythology on her mind today, thanks (or no thanks) to Percy Jackson.
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Almost time for bed. Let's finish this round up (until tomorrow morning, when I'm sure I'll wake up and find a few more).
Jim, at Haunts of a Children's Writer, has a famous 15 minute sonnet, and his own 15 minute poem.
::Suzanne::, at Adventures in Daily Living, has a poem by Seamus Heaney, her literary hero.
Ruth, at There Is No Such Thing As A God-forsaken Town, has been patiently waiting since 7:45 this morning to be rounded up. Please accept my apology, Ruth, for inadvertently skipping you! Everybody, make sure you check out her review of a Kristine O'Connell George book I've never seen -- one that folds together poetry and origami. Very fun!
Kimberly, at Lectitans, has a poem that could be a lullaby. Perfect timing!
Stacey, at Two Writing Teachers, pays homage to her home state, Indiana, with the state's poem. Does your state have a state poem? Does mine?
MNOSAL is our third Poetry Friday first-timer this week, with a poem about thunderstorms and a picture of a very fine looking cat who is not always brave during thunderstorms.
Erin, at Miss Erin, has one of my very favorite Shel Silverstein poems.
Cuileann, at The Holly and the Ivy, has the last word (at least for now) with a cat poem that is also very final.
Okay, one more. MotherReader wrote a rhyme to help us remember not to judge her first attempts at virtual booktalks (check YouTube in the near future) too harshly.