Thursday, March 27, 2014

Poetry Friday: The Roundup is HERE!

Flickr Creative Commons photo by kristin

by Robert Frost

When a friend calls to me from the road
And slows his horse to a meaning walk, 
I don't stand still and look around
On all the hills I haven't hoed,
And shout from where I am, "What is it?"
No, not as there is a time to talk.
I thrust my hoe in the mellow ground,
Blade-end up and five feet tall,
And plod: I go up to the stone wall
For a friendly visit.

Thanks, y'all, for stopping by for a friendly visit!

Jan at Book Seed Studio is collecting a list of books that feature young poets as characters. She shares one today.

Matt at Radio, Rhythm & Rhyme has a NH Rock Garden for us today -- could be the one the speaker in my Robert Frost poem is working in!

Mrs. Bennett at Used Books In Class had her students write the narratives behind Shakespeare's sonnets. The results are brilliant!

Michelle at Today's Little Ditty celebrates spring with e.e. cummings.

Laura Salas comes to us from Teaching Authors today with a water poem by Christina Rossetti.

Buffy at Buffy's Blog shares her March Madness Poetry Sweet Sixteen poem. There's still time to vote all day today at Think Kid, Think!

Robyn at Life on the Deckle Edge workshops a haiku for us today.

Beth at Tiny Readers and Writers shares one of her four year-old daughter's original poems.

Jama at Jama's Alphabet Soup is hosting a vintage tea party. She's also the official collector of our Poetry Month 2014 projects and celebrations. Be sure to let her (and us) know what you'll be up to in April!

Diane has three offerings: at Random Noodling, a poem by Tess Gallagher; at Kurious Kitty's Kurio Cabinet, a trip to the circus; and at K.K.'s Kwotes, a poetry quote by Edmond de Goncourt.

Tara at A Teaching Life has a Mary Oliver tribute to her dog Sophie, who makes her pause.

B.J. at Blue Window also has a third round poem in March Madness. Good luck, Authletes!

Irene at Live Your Poem has a Poetry Friday gift for us -- a group SoundCloud page where we can record our poems! How cool is that?!? (As soon as I'm caught up with the roundup, I'll definitely check it out!)

Linda at TeacherDance shares a sweet alphabet poem.

Keri at Keri Recommends ends her celebration of Laura Purdie Salas' Water Can Be... with her favorite spread and a give-away.

Bridget at Wee Words for Wee Ones has a pithy comment on the seemingly endless (snow forecast here YET AGAIN for tomorrow) winter.

Jone at Check It Out is playing with pantoums.

Margaret at Reflections on the Teche writes about her student-voters in the March Madness competition. She took it to another level when she had her students use one of the Authlete's words in their own poems!

Tabatha at The Opposite of Indifference has poetry from the herbary today.

Carol at Carol's Corner shares her favorite spring daffodils with us.

Donna at Mainely Write has bedtime stories and grandparenting on her mind today.

Travis at 100 Scope Notes is back at it with Book Spine Poems! Dump your shelves and make one to submit for his gallery!

Crystal at Reading Through Life shares spoken word poetry, poetry in music, and a few poetry book recommendations.

Dori at Dori Reads has a cinquain from Myra Cohn Livingston.

Charles at Charles Waters Poetry has a smorgasbord of offerings today!

Lorie Ann at readertotz shares a Jane Yolen book of poetry for your little ones, and a haiku at On Point.

Supratentorial recommends a book with poetic text that explores the concept of memory.

City Muse Country Muse shares a poem by Peter Everwine.

Shannon at Van Meter Library Voice tells about a fabulous project two schools created that incorporates Rainbow Loom research and Joyce Sidman's poetry!

Kathleen at What's Next? weaves a Louis Armstrong song with her own words.

Amy at The Poem Farm shares a poem of address, a school visit, and a Poetry Month Project announcement.

Jeannine at Views from a Window Seat shares her thoughts about the new verse novel Miss Emily by Burleigh Mutén, and remembers a conversation about poetry with the author.

Sylvia at Poetry for Children shares the line-up for the Texas Library Association Poetry Roundup session. What an amazing 10-year legacy AND a great line-up for this year!

Little Willow plants seeds of hope with a line or two by Gertrude Stein.

Sherry at Semicolon Blog features Dante Gabriel  Rossetti.

Myra at Gathering Books has a Maya Angelou poem for us today.

Cathy at Merely Day by Day is wandering today.

Ruth at There is No Such Thing as a God-forsaken Town is thinking about the life of words (thanks to a student and Emily Dickinson).

Becky at Tapestry of Words is gearing up for National Poetry Month AND celebrating her 100th post!

Greg at GottaBook announces his plans for 30 Poets/30 Days this year, and shares an original poem from earlier in the week.

Joy at Poetry For Kids' Joy shares a bus ride poem.

Janet at All About the Books shares the rhyming book Animal Snackers.

Catherine at Reading to the Core offers an original poem filled with wonder.


  1. Thanks for hosting, folks! I won't be around much on Friday, but wanted to share this. (The link goes live just after midnight)

  2. Anonymous7:42 PM

    Thanks for hosting, Mary Lee! I am posting several student narratives based on Shakespeare's "Sonnet 29"...and that should cover a standard in the Common Core!

  3. Yay! Party at Mary Lee's house! Thanks for hosting :) I have e. e. cummings on Today's Little Ditty:

  4. Thanks for hosting, Mary Lee! I'm in at Teaching Authors ( with Winter Rain, by Christina Rossetti. And there's still time to enter for the giveaway of a signed copy of WATER CAN BE... Happy Poetry Friday!

  5. Thanks for hosting, Mary Lee! I'm sharing my most recent poem for March Madness at Buffy's Blog:

  6. Thanks for hosting, Mary Lee! I have a brief walk-through of workshopping a haiku poem from our HSA meeting/conference in Atlanta last weekend:

  7. Thanks for hosting! My four year old daughter shares another one of her poems

  8. Vintage children's tea parties at Alphabet Soup:

    Also collecting links for my Kidlitosphere Poetry Month Roundup.

    Thanks for hosting Mary Lee (my link goes live at 6 a.m. EDT).

  9. Thanks for hosting, Mary Lee. I'm sticking with Mary Oliver (who could blame me?) as a way to thank my dog, Sophie (it makes sense, really it does - once you read the post!)

  10. Hi Mary Lee! Thanks for hosting. I'm in with my 3rd round March Madness poem, "The Amoeba Gang" at

  11. Thank you, Mary Lee.. you must be on spring break. :) I am excited to introduce an audio option for Poetry Friday -- a group page for us on SoundCloud!

  12. Thanks Mary Lee, it's nice to be here! I have an original poem today, from the alphabet. Well, I guess they're all from the alphabet, but you'll see what I mean...

  13. Hello, Mary! I'm finishing up my celebration of Laura's book with a giveaway of Water Can Be at Keri Recommends:

  14. Thanks for hosting, Mary Lee! I have poem called, "Injury Time Out" for Poetry Friday this week. Enjoy! = )

  15. So glad I can post tonight. Thank you, Mary Lee:

  16. My students are voting in the March Madness Poetry competition at Think, Kid, Think. It's exercising their brains (and mine.)

  17. So many interesting posts listed in the comments that I almost got sidetracked from leaving mine! Here you go: Poetry about herbs today. Thanks for hosting, Mary Lee!

  18. Every spring, I feel compelled to share one of my all time favorite poems, Ralph Fletcher's "Daffodils."

  19. (LOVE this poem for today, Mary Lee - thank you!)

  20. Nice poem by Frost! I hadn't read it, but should have!
    My offering today is a poem I just wrote this morning, with the theme from Poetry Jam of "Letting Go" and babysitting with my grandson fresh in my brain.

  21. Thanks for hosting! My book spine cento is here:

  22. I have videos up of spoken word poetry over on my blog and a few book recommendations. Happy Friday!

  23. What a wonderful poem from Frost. It makes you want to stop and have tea and jam with a friend, doesn't it?

    I have a cinquain today from Myra Cohn Livingston.

  24. Hi Mary Lee! Thanks for hosting. I have news about the March Madness Poetry shindig, National Poetry Month and fresh poems hot off my fingertips in the 6th installment of my POETRY TIME BLOG.!POETRY-TIME-BLOG-6/c23vc/5500AF24-563E-4B39-B17A-90CD73078507

  25. Lovely to meet you at the stone wall, Mary Lee. Thanks for hosting! At On Point, I have my haiku Measured.

  26. Thank you for hosting, Mary Lee! It is always a friendly visit with you!

    Today at The Poem Farm, I have a poem of address, a school visit thank you, and an announcement of my April poetry project.

    Happy Poetry Friday!

  27. And at readertotz, we are celebrating Jane Yolen's Hush, Little Horsie.

  28. Hi, Mary Lee, I'm sure that poem by Frost is very nice, but my eyes kept flickering back to that green earth. We'll see that again, I guess. Thank you for hosting!

    I wrote about Burleigh Muten's new verse novel, Miss Emily, and some of the conversations Burleigh and I have had about writing verse set in the past:

  29. Thanks for hosting, Mary Lee-- it's always lovely to connect-- even virtually! My posting today is about the upcoming Poetry Round Up at TLA and all the poets who'll be presenting!

  30. Happy round up, and happy Friday!

    I posted a Gertrude Stein line at Bildungsroman.

  31. Today I have a "visitor": Dante Gabriel Rossetti

    Thanks for hosting.

  32. I love Robert Frost! Thank you for sharing this poem and for hosting Poetry Friday, Mary Lee! Myra is up today at GatheringBooks. She's still out of town as we speak but I'm delighted to share her feature on Maya Angelou's Caged Bird. Have a lovely weekend!

  33. Thanks for hosting, Mary Lee. There should always be time to put down the hoe. I have to remind myself of this sometimes.

    Today's poem.

  34. Hope I'm not too late! Thanks so much for hosting -- looking forward to coming back this weekend and reading everybody's contributions.

  35. Thanks for hosting Poetry Friday today, Mary Lee! I have a brief post today about gearing up for this year's National Poetry Month.

  36. Thanks for hosting, Mary Lee. I'll toss out two links today.

    First, I've announced a different style 30 Poets/30 Days for this year.

    And then earlier this week I posted an original: What a Poem Can Be that helped get me in the National Poetry Month mood :-)

  37. Anonymous3:40 PM

    To have the time to talk. Love this poem.

  38. I have a poem about a lion on the bus today and a poetry prompt at


  39. Thanks for hosting.
    My selection is "Animal Snackers" by Betsy Lewin.

  40. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Thank you for hosting today, Mary Lee! It's been a pretty busy day, but here, better late than never, is an original poem, "The Reward."

  41. Thank YOU for hosting our friendly visit today, Mary Lee, and for honoring the birthday boy, Mr. Frost. BTW, I don't know if you noticed when you came by my blog today, but your Robin Hoodku has made it into my top ten most popular posts. :) Possibly, in part to all those phishing Russian bots, but hey, they've got good taste!

    1. Okay, I can't believe I said Robin Hoodku. Duh! You know what I meant-- Little Red Riding Hoodku, of course.

  42. Hi, Mary Lee--

    Completing my school's application to become a certified Maryland Green School this weekend; alas no time for poetry (although I did add a "Stream Dreams" poem to the application, by one of our 5th graders! I think it will be OI5TH on Tuesday...) Your RF poem is so what I need to hear this weekend! Hope to see you (and everyone) all over Poetry Month!

  43. Thank you so much Mary Lee and Franki for hosting. Love love Robert Frost. :)


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