Lemonade (And Other Poems Squeezed From a Single Word)
by Bob Raczka
illustrated by Nancy Doniger
Roaring Brook Press, 2011
review copy purchased for my classroom
You know Bob Raczka. He wrote the poems for Guyku
In his new book, Lemonade, he uses the letters of the title word of each poem to make the words for that poem. For example, the poem "Bleachers" reads: "Ball / reaches / here / bases / clear / cheers".
Each poem is presented two ways. The first way is like a puzzle, the second way shows the poem clearly.
I tapped deep into my Words With Friends Word Making Skills and came up with this poem:
©Mary Lee Hahn, 2011
Go ahead and try one. I know you want to. Leave yours in the comments. Triple letter score if you use a Z.
Mary Lee, your poetry is inspiring once again. May I find some time to join in.
ReplyDeleteHey, that's really good! I'm enjoying all your poems and Amy's video and Franki's books and I could just sit and read everybody's blogs for a week straight (but that wouldn't be healthy). Or maybe it would.